In debt, this 69-year-old woman rents her house to live in the garage but for a year, they have been squatting and no longer pay the rent

In debt, this 69-year-old woman rents her house to live in the garage but for a year, they have been squatting and no longer pay the rent
In debt, this 69-year-old woman rents her house to live in the garage but for a year, they have been squatting and no longer pay the rent

In an act of desperation, Noëlle S., aged 69, went to the Foix court armed with a jerrycan of gasoline, a sign and a chain. She seeks to draw the attention of the judicial authorities to her critical situation: for more than a year, her tenants have refused to pay their rent. While she had to convert her garage to be able to live, the owner now finds herself in a total financial impasse.

The beginnings of the ordeal: a debt that changes everything

A difficult choice

Facing financial difficulties since 2020, Noëlle S. made the decision to rent the upper floor from her house in Lesparrou, Ariège, hoping to lighten the burden of her debts to the Bank of France. She herself had moved into the garage that she had roughly converted.

Recalcitrant tenants

However, contrary to the agreements, the tenants have stopped paying their rent for over a year. Despite several reminders and attempts at negotiation, the situation has not improved. Worse still, although they initially promised to vacate the premises in April 2024, they are still present.

Radical actions in the face of distress

A desperate response

At the end of her patience and resources, Noëlle cut home electricity in December, using the only meter available for the entire house. This deliberate action was his way of trying to get his property back, but it only made the situation worse.

Intervention of the authorities

The prefecture ordered Noëlle to carry out the necessary work in order to make the place habitable in compliance with legal standards. However, with no money and a deadline of just one month, this task seems insurmountable to her.

The Discord Holders: Divergent Views

Mutual accusations

The tenants claim to have been wronged by the landlord, regarding the allegedly excessive electricity costs. As a result, they decided to suspend their rent payments. At the same time, their request for debt relief was approved, drastically reducing arrears to just one month’s unpaid rent.

Parasites or victims?

This situation highlights the injustices felt on both sides. Noëlle perceives her tenants as “shameless parasites”while the latter believe that they were treated unfairly by the owner.

  • Years of debt towards the Bank of France.
  • Tenants who stop paying their rent.
  • Growing tension between landlord and tenants.
  • Ineffective judicial mediation.
  • Obligations imposed by the prefecture to make the house habitable.

The judicial corridor: hopes and disappointments

Legal pitfalls

A recent hearing failed to make significant progress. The judge, according to some witnesses, downplayed Noëlle’s concerns, implicitly implying that a two-month extension would not have serious consequences, even though each day without payment makes her situation worse. financial situation.

The ambiguous role of the law

The case highlights the challenges inherent in the legal system when dealing with disputes between landlords and tenants. Although protecting tenants’ rights is essential, it often seems that landlords, especially those in economic difficulty like Noëlle, are penalized disproportionately.

Conclusions: what outcome for Noëlle?

An uncertain future

As the month of compulsory work approaches and her savings dwindle, Noëlle hardly sees any light at the end of the tunnel. However, his ambition to be heard shows his determination to get out of this rut, despite all the difficulties encountered so far.

In search of solutions

However, solutions must be found to prevent such situations from recurring. A better balance between the rights and duties owners and tenants seems necessary. The recognition of particular cases, such as that of Noëlle, could help to put in place fairer and more appropriate measures.

In an ideal world, everyone would have the right to a roof over their heads and a minimum of material security. But for Noëlle, the road to this utopia is still long and fraught with pitfalls. Let’s hope that her cry for help will finally find a listening ear among those capable of transforming her reality.



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