Wholesale Markets: Vegetable and Fish Prices Explode

Wholesale Markets: Vegetable and Fish Prices Explode
Wholesale Markets: Vegetable and Fish Prices Explode

The price of onions at the Bir El Kasaa wholesale market increased by 137%, to stand at 1.272 dinars, on June 3, 2024, compared to 0.536 dinars, on the same date of the year. last, according to statistical data, published Monday, by the National Observatory of Agriculture (Onagri). Onagri reported, in fact, an increase in the prices of the majority of vegetables, during this year , notably zucchini by 70% to 1.053d, pepper by 54%, to 2.691d, parsley by 41% to 0.904d, cucumber by 21% to 1.404d… Only the prices of tomatoes and potatoes have fell respectively by 29% to 1.294d and by 11% to 0.973d.

Same observation for fish, whose prices have seen a remarkable increase, compared to last year. Thus, the price of whiting increased by 37%, to 15,276d, that of pageot increased by 25%, to 7,510d, and that of rouget increased by 19%, to 11,496d.

The price of octopus increased, for its part, to 22.168d, in June 2024, to 20.055d, currently, which represents an increase of 11%.

Regarding fruits, only the price of melon increased by 40%, to 1,268d, while the rest of fruits saw their prices fall. These include lemon (-87%, to 0.671d), orange (-80%, to 0.730d), apple (-42% to 2.303d), apricot (-38% to 2,001d), dates (-21% to 7,282d), and strawberries (-16% to 3,690d).



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