research suspended the day after the accident in Haute-Savoie

research suspended the day after the accident in Haute-Savoie
research suspended the day after the accident in Haute-Savoie

A 49-year-old walker has been missing since a fall in the Fier gorges, in Haute-Savoie, this Saturday. The gendarmerie continued the search on Sunday, in vain.

Around ten gendarmes were mobilized on Sunday June 2 in the Gorges du Fier, in Haute-Savoie, after the disappearance of a walker this Saturday. The victim, a 49-year-old woman who was walking with her family, fell in a steep part of the gorges in the town of Lovagny, we learned from the Annecy public prosecutor’s office.

The gendarmes carried out major search operations during the weekend. Remaining in vain, they were suspended Sunday evening and could resume “at the end of the week”, according to the prosecution. Investigators have little hope of finding the victim alive. Around eight divers from the nautical brigade of Aix-les-Bains (Savoie) and that of Valence (Drôme) were notably mobilized on Sunday to search the river and the banks.

Drone flights also took place in order to refine the search areas. The operations were carried out in conjunction with the dam builders to lower the level of the river and thus facilitate the search. The Annecy public prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation into a “disturbing disappearance”, in particular to determine the precise circumstances of this fall.



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