Saint-Lary-Soulan. A cultural day with the Accueil et amitiés club

Saint-Lary-Soulan. A cultural day with the Accueil et amitiés club
Saint-Lary-Soulan. A cultural day with the Accueil et amitiés club

This dynamic club, known for its weekly hikes for all levels, its trips and its friendly meals which are always very popular, is offering its next outing which this time will have a cultural connotation while remaining very recreational.

A day discovering the Château de Mauvezin and the Abbey of Escaladieu.

Two important sites of our local heritage and sometimes unknown to the general public. These observations prompted the club leaders to choose them for their next outing, which will take place on Sunday, July 21. Guided tours are planned to better discover the richness of these two testimonies of local history. A presentation of the magnificent trees of the Escaladieu park is also on the program.

The culinary heritage will not be forgotten with a meal planned at the Rantoi farm in Saint-Ost, a meal enlivened by bandas.

To close this day, a visit to the stands of local producers is planned with possible purchase.

As there are still places available on the bus, it is still possible to register. For more information on the conditions and timetables, contact the president of the Accueil et Amitiés club, Maryse Pomé at 06 71 28 2149.



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