Gas price, precise address, Pass Rail, Parcoursup… What changes on June 1, 2024

Gas price, precise address, Pass Rail, Parcoursup… What changes on June 1, 2024
Gas price, precise address, Pass Rail, Parcoursup… What changes on June 1, 2024

This June 1, 2024 will mark the arrival of several changes, more or less important, in your daily life. Health, transport, studies, energy… several areas will experience new developments. Price increases, opening of services, administrative simplifications or complexifications, RTL takes stock of these changes which will take place this month.

First of all, the health field will be marked by the entry into force of certain simplifications of medical procedures. Certain medical prescriptions will no longer necessarily be issued by doctors, to free up their time. Pharmacists will now be able to directly serve antibioticss against tonsillitis and cystitis. Opticians, for their part, will be able to adjust glasses correction if necessary, without going to the ophthalmologist.

“My Psy Support”, launched in 2022, will also be simplified. Until now, the program allowed people with “psychological suffering” to access a maximum of eight reimbursed sessions per year with the psychologist, on medical prescription.

From Saturday June 1st, reimbursement will go from 30 to 50 euros per session, and the maximum number will pass at twelve sessions per year. People wishing to benefit from “My Psy Support” will also be able to contact a licensed psychologist directlywithout going through their doctor.

Two cannabis derivatives will also be banned. These are the semisynthetic cannabinoids H4-CBD and H2-CBD as well as other “synthetic cannabinoids” that can be found in candies, electronic cigarette liquids or even oils. CBD remains authorized for sale and consumption.

Everyone must now have a precise address

That’s it, the 3DS law will be put into force. It requires each house to have an address. All municipalities must therefore name and number their roads and streets. Even municipalities with less than 2,000 inhabitants, hitherto not affected, must fall into line. A real headache for local elected officials. The National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT) reveals that more than half of these small municipalities are still not in compliance.

The purpose of this law: simplify mail delivery, fiber optic deployment and emergency response.

Return of the Pass’Sport

The Pass’Sport, a fifty-euro aid system allowing you to finance registration in a sports structure, is back from Saturday. Previously, it was only usable from September. Its use has therefore been advanced.

To benefit from it, you must be born between September 16, 2006 and December 31, 2024 and be a recipient of the back-to-school allowance; born between June 1, 2004 and December 31, 2018 and beneficiary of the education allowance for disabled children or born between September 16, 1993 and December 31, 2008 and beneficiary of the allowance for disabled adults.

People eligible to benefit from it must have received a QR code from the Ministry of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Then it is enough to present it to your club or gym. It can be used until December 31, 2024.

The price of gas increases

The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) announced the increase in the benchmark price of gas. “This benchmark price, published for information only and monthly, includes a subscription price and a price per kilowatt hour,” explains the CRE.

In June, for hot water and cooking, the average price per kWh is €0.11261 including tax (compared to €0.11061 in May). The average price for heating is €0.09140 including tax (compared to €0.08940 in May). Which amounts to an increase of the benchmark price of 2.3%.

It’s time for Parcoursup and My Master

The first answers for high school students have been available since May 30 on Parcoursup. Future students will therefore have to respond this month, according to the deadline indicated by each establishment.

For those who did not receive a positive response, a complementary phase of wishes will open on June 11, to access training courses that still have places available.

Students who applied for a master’s degree via the My Master platform will receive between June 4 and 24he first admission results.

Second year students will have to find an internship to do between June 17 and 28. According to statistics from the National Union of Secondary School Teachers (SNES-FSU), 50% to 70% of students would still be without an internship. If they do not find one, they will be able to carry out a cohesion stay or a mission of general interest within the framework of the universal national service (SNU).

The Rail Pass ticket office opens

The Rail Pass must be marketed during the month of June. “The sale will take place in mid-June through a digital solution proposed by the SNCF,” promised the Ministry of National Education and Youth. This Pass will give French people under 27 years of age unlimited travel on TER trains for 49 euros per month in July and August.

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