Olivier Faure denounces the “confused” message from the presidential camp for the second round

Olivier Faure denounces the “confused” message from the presidential camp for the second round
Olivier Faure denounces the “confused” message from the presidential camp for the second round

In Paris, the left largely in the lead, nine deputies from the New Popular Front elected in the first round

In Paris, the left emerged strengthened on Sunday from the first round of the legislative elections, sending nine deputies to the National Assembly, including the first socialist deputy, Emmanuel Grégoire, and coming out on top in 13 of the 18 constituencies.

Of the 18 constituencies in the capital, half (9) saw candidates from the New Popular Front elected in the first round. Unsurprisingly, these are those located in eastern Paris, a bastion of the left, where LFI had the lion’s share in 2022, with six deputies out of nine from the left.

All (Aymeric Caron, Danièle Obono, Sarah Legrain, Sophia Chikirou and Rodrigo Arenas) were re-elected, with the exception of the dissident Danielle Simonnet, in a favorable ballot.

Environmentalists also reappointed three deputies in the first round: Eva Sas and Sandrine Rousseau, outgoing, and Pouria Amirshahi. This former rebellious socialist deputy under the presidency of François Hollande replaced the outgoing Julien Bayou, targeted by an investigation after complaints from an ex-partner for moral harassment and abuse of weakness.

Finally, the Socialist Party, humiliated in 2017 during the Macronist wave (only one elected), then in 2022 by the Nupes agreement (no winnable constituency), finds a seat thanks to the first deputy Emmanuel Grégoire, elected against the Macronist Clément Beaune.

Of the 8 other outgoing deputies from the presidential camp, others are qualified but in great danger. Like the MoDem Maud Gatel, who is nine points behind the socialist Céline Hervieu. Or the Minister of Transformation and Public Service, Stanislas Guerini, also in an unfavourable position with twelve points behind his environmentalist opponent.

Five others came out on top and can confidently advance to the second round: the delegate minister Olivia Grégoire, David Amiel, Benjamin Haddad, Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet and Sylvain Maillard.

For the Macronists, there remains the case of the 2e constituency, where the outgoing MP Gilles Le Gendre only came in third place behind the PS candidate and a close friend of the Minister of Culture, Rachida Dati, invested by Renaissance.

Questioned by AFP, Mr. Le Gendre affirmed on Sunday that maintaining his candidacy was “a serious hypothesis” but that his decision was not “not taken”. Historical Macronist, he was not reinvested by Renaissance in favor of Jean Laussucq, Rachida Dati’s deputy at the town hall of 7e borough. Gilles Le Gendre believes he has ” paid [sa] freedom of speech “in particular for having voted against the “immigration” law and criticizing the “verticality” of Macronian power.

The loss of this constituency would be a catastrophe for Rachida Dati, recently joined the presidential camp and who is counting on an alliance between the latter and the right to win the town hall in 2026.

On the left, the only case of internal divisions delivered an unequivocal verdict: not reinvested by LFI, the “purged” Danielle Simonnet came out on top (41.87%) in the 15the constituency of which she is an outgoing MP. The candidate that LFI nominated in her place, trade unionist Céline Verzeletti, is placed far behind with 19 points less (22.87%). As a disavowal for the party leadership, to which Mme Simonnet had opposed other historical figures of the movement (Raquel Garrido, Alexis Corbière).

Without any MPs since 2022, the right was counting on the 4e et 14e constituencies to regain at least one seat. But the presence of pro-RN candidates, in favor of “the union of rights”complicated the situation.

In the 4e constituency, Arnaud Dassier obtained 15.55% of the votes, which could be transferred to LR candidate Geoffroy Boulard, qualified for the second round.

In the 14e, the pro-Ciotti Louis Piquet even matched the LR candidate, Patrick Dray (17% each), offering himself a triangular.



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