“Giving life in the shadow of cancer”: Céline Hedin Tronel testifies

“Giving life in the shadow of cancer”: Céline Hedin Tronel testifies
“Giving life in the shadow of cancer”: Céline Hedin Tronel testifies

At just 29 years old, Céline Hedin Tronel had to face a diagnosis of breast cancer while she was pregnant. She was able to turn this ordeal into a vital force and today wishes to share her experience. Encounter.

Calm, smiling and thoughtful, when we listen to her tell her story, Céline seems to have already lived ten lives! A social worker at Maison Nord Solidarité in Roubaix-Croix, she speaks easily and without taboo about her cancer.

“My world is falling apart…”

In September 2021, Céline is already the mother of a 2 and a half year old child. Three months pregnant, she feels like needles in her chest. She quickly spoke to her gynecologist who recommended a check-up ultrasound. Other examinations followed which revealed triple negative breast cancer. The wait and the stress are already hard to live with, but when the surgeon told us that I was going to have an emergency operation and perhaps start chemotherapy, my world fell apart. Why me, so young and with my baby?

Céline searches for answers to her questions on the internet, but does not find much about her particular case. She underwent a lumpectomy (removal of the tumor) three days after the announcement of the stabilized diagnosis. It was also at that moment that I realized that healthcare staff were not always well trained to discuss the issue of cancer with pregnant women. Fortunately, my surgeon reassured me, notably by doing an ultrasound of the baby just after the operation to check his heart.tempers the young mother.

A wonderful birth

Faced with this invasive cancer, chemotherapy is immediately necessary. Twelve sessions are planned. I was told that the placenta protected the baby, I was later able to see that this was true. The pregnancy hormones must have also helped me because I didn’t feel insurmountable fatigue.

However, complications caught up with Céline at eight months pregnant: I had stomach aches, and my cervix started to crack. We had to induce the birthshe specifies. My delivery was extraordinary, it was very gentle, I felt strong! Our baby weighed 3 kg, and when I saw that he had lots of hair, I was reassured to see that the placenta had indeed protected him from the chemo.

“Being helped is important”

And because cancer does not allow respite, treatment resumes just after childbirth. Céline still has to do 5 chemotherapy sessions then 25 radiotherapy sessions. From there it got a lot harder,
she laments. I was allergic to a product that I tolerated well during pregnancy. I also had lots of side effects, including muscle loss, which prevented me from taking care of my baby normally..

The organization also turns out to be complicated: With chemo, I had to leave him one full day a week, and when the radiotherapy started, I had to keep him every day, even though he was only two months old. It was hard emotionally, and difficult to find help.

Some relatives do their best, others do not dare to intervene, or on the contrary offer their help when Céline was not expecting them. This period made her think a lot about the role of caregivers, and she does not want to hold anger against those who kept their distance.

A book to testify

Since the announcement of her cancer, she has kept a diary to remember. The idea of ​​writing a book seriously germinated, Céline took action and took the opportunity to give a voice to those around her.

His book, titled Giving life in the shadow of cancer has been on sale online for almost two months (for each sale, one euro is donated to the “Mon bonnet rose” association). Céline recounts her journey, and a good part of the book is also devoted to caregivers. The young author testifies: People tell me that I was able to put into words what they couldn’t express. Others became aware of what they could do to help their sick loved one, and even some health professionals told me that the book had helped them in their practice! It’s really super !.

Today, Céline and her baby are doing well. Cancer is behind her, and she is enjoying life to the fullest: This whole journey has made me see life differently, today I dare to go for it, and with my husband we are much more positive! We no longer put off the projects we have in mind until tomorrow.

The young woman also has a message to convey: Surround yourself with the right people, put aside the accessory and listen to your body. Do not minimize the symptoms, feel yourself, and consult if you have any doubts. It doesn’t just happen to other people!

Photo credits: I. Dalle



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