UIMM – A day to discover welding at Framatome

UIMM – A day to discover welding at Framatome
UIMM – A day to discover welding at Framatome

UIMM – A day to discover welding at Framatome – UIMM

Home > A day to discover welding at Framatome

Published on July 1, 2024

As part of the “Become an I” campaign,RON MAN / a IRON WOMAN “, Thomas had the opportunity to visit thes sites from Framatome to Saint-Marcel (71) and to the Creusot and learn the welding trade. This day, organized by the UIMM in partnership with NRJ, also allowed him of discover and sector essential in our daily lives : the nuclear.

Immersion in the nuclear sector

Aaccompanied by Louis, host of NRJ radio, Thomas was able to explore behind the scenes from the sites of Creusot and Saint-Marcel (71) from FramatomeHe was thus able to understand the different stages of design and construction of a nuclear power plant, and to understand the crucial role of each profession in this process.

Discovering industrial welding

During of this dayThomas went to explorewelding, an essential profession in the nuclear industry. Au contact dpassionate professionals, Thomas was able to learn about welding techniques and their importance in ensuring the safety and reliability of nuclear installations.

A day at Framatome to discover the welder’s profession

Welding, boilermaking and industrial maintenance: opportunities to become an IRON MAN / an IRON WOMAN

Welding, experienced by Thomas chez Framatomejust like boilermaking, by Elisa at the Atlantic Shipyards, and the mindustrial management, by Baptistin at Airbus Helicopers, offer many opportunities. Findthe on ironjob.fr.

«Become an IRON MAN / an IRON WOMAN» : This campaign leadsIt isand by the UIMM, aims has to value the mIt isthird of welding, boilermaking and industrial maintenance. By highlightingAndabout the sense, the utilityIt is and prideIt is associIt iss has ces jobsthe UIMM wishes to attract new talents and make themIt iscover the many opportunitiesIt iss that the industry offers.


A day to discover boilermaking at Chantiers de l’Atlantique



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NEXT Saint-Affrique: a family, friendly and sharing day organized by the Las Cardabelas association