Habeck ensures the supply of electricity and gas

Habeck ensures the supply of electricity and gas
Habeck ensures the supply of electricity and gas

The war in Ukraine is currently having a negative impact on the price development of raw materials such as gas and oil. It has highlighted the price of Germany’s dependence on countries such as Russia. However, as the war progresses, politicians may be forced to forgo Russian energy supplies in the future. In order to ensure security of supply, it would also be necessary to consider extending the electricity supply using coal-fired power stations in an emergency. This was explained by Economic Affairs Minister Robert Habeck (Greens).

The return of lignite?

The shutdown of coal-fired power plants was a certainty. But German Economy Minister Robert Habeck of the Green Party said that it would probably be necessary to extend the supply of electricity, which is harmful to the environment. The reason for this decision is that we are forced to become self-sufficient in Russian supplies. According to Habeck, this is the only way to ensure long-term security of supply. The government member spoke about this on Deutschlandfunk radio. The minister initially found reassuring words. He said that even a complete shutdown of supplies from Russia could be well compensated.

He did not, however, specify to what extent Germany was prepared for this worst-case scenario. In order to improve the situation in the future, he has already announced a corresponding bill. This provides for the obligation to maintain minimum filling levels for natural gas storage facilities in Germany. He also made it clear that security of supply takes precedence over environmental protection. After all, one of the main goals of the “Jamaican coalition” was to implement the coal phase-out as quickly as possible. In an emergency, there would have to be talk of building up a certain coal reserve, Habeck said. This clearly shows that the war in Ukraine also has a direct impact on German energy policy.

Security of supply outweighs climate protection

Habeck is not only Minister of Economic Affairs, but Federal Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Protection. Climate protection is clearly opposed to operating coal-fired power plants, but in an emergency, he said, one must bite into this bitter apple. It is becoming increasingly important to ensure stable security of supply. To achieve this, taboos must be broken in an emergency. Therefore, coal-fired power plants that are already doomed to failure should at least be kept in reserve. Some should even remain in operation for longer. But he always keeps in mind the long-standing goal of himself and his party.

For example, he emphasizes that it is essential to rely on the sun and wind as energy sources in the future. This would be an excellent opportunity for Germany to no longer be dependent on other countries such as Russia. In an interview with Deutschlandfunk, Habeck once again emphasized the advantages of renewable energies. These are not limited to climate protection. They also guarantee greater independence.

“The only thing that belongs to no one is the wind and the sun.”

Alternatives to Russian gas

With the NordStream 2 pipeline currently on hold and its future more than uncertain, the government is already looking for alternatives. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has already announced that Germany will build two special terminals to receive liquefied natural gas. Environmentalists in particular are protesting against this decision. American liquefied natural gas is probably one of the most polluting in the world, because it is extracted using the so-called “hydraulic fracturing” process. Habeck also commented on this situation. He made it clear that the terminals would not only be used for gas from American container ships. Compatibility with global suppliers is a given.



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