On the occasion of World Parents’ Day (June 1), Road Safety raises awareness about children being restrained in cars and bicycles

On the occasion of World Parents’ Day (June 1), Road Safety raises awareness about children being restrained in cars and bicycles
On the occasion of World Parents’ Day (June 1), Road Safety raises awareness about children being restrained in cars and bicycles

In 2023, among children aged 0 to 13 killed in a road accident in 2023, 1 in 5* were unrestrained. Among 14-17 year olds, this figure rises to 2 out of 5*.

On the occasion of World Parents’ Day, Road Safety reminds us of the obligation and importance of restraining children and the rules for properly seating them in cars and on bikes.

Through stickers visible on social networks, Road Safety emphasizes the importance of properly restraining your child for their safety and that they get into the habit of always traveling strapped in.

By car

Until the age of 10, each child must travel in a car seat adapted to their age and body type. This seat must be correctly installed in the vehicle.

From 10 years old, the child must be restrained with a seat belt, respecting the rule:
1 place = 1 person = 1 belt.

By bike

It is possible to transport a child by bike as soon as he or she masters the seated position, provided that certain rules are followed. Up to five years, he must be placed in an approved seat with footrest, backrest, harness and side protections, at the front or rear of the bike. From 5 years old, transport is always done in a suitable seat equipped with footrests and a seat belt.

In all cases, children must also be equipped with a helmet, compulsory up to 12 years old, and strongly recommended thereafter. You must also bring a reflective vest which is compulsory outside built-up areas at night and when visibility drops.

In case of pregnancy

Position the belt correctly, place the lower part below the stomach, as low as possible on the pelvic bone. The upper part fits normally.

*Onisr 2023.



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