and now what will happen to the former president?

and now what will happen to the former president?
and now what will happen to the former president?

The former President of the United States will continue to campaign, awaiting his sentencing on Thursday, July 11. The Republican billionaire risks prison time, but plans to appeal.

The United States finds itself in an unprecedented situation. Until Thursday, May 30, never had a former American president been found guilty in a criminal trial by a popular jury. This is now done with Donald Trump, who was found guilty of all charges against him in the Stormy Daniels affair.

In the midst of the presidential campaign, this historic court decision with unpredictable consequences could disrupt the 158 days that separate Americans from the vote on Tuesday, November 5.

The former president’s sentence known on July 11

Donald Trump emerged free from the New York court, proclaiming his innocence in front of the cameras and denouncing a political conspiracy. And for good reason: no sentence has been handed down against the former American president.

The sentence, for hidden payments to an X-rated movie star, will be pronounced on Thursday July 11 by Judge Juan Merchan, four days before the convention which will officially induct him as Republican candidate in the presidential election on November 5

The judge gave the defense until Thursday June 13 to present its arguments for sentencing and until Thursday June 27 for the prosecution to respond.

In the hours following the announcement of the verdict, Donald Trump’s lawyer announced that he would appeal as soon as possible. “In New York, the procedure says: there is the sentencing. Then we will appeal,” Todd Blanche explained to CNN.

Prison sentence unlikely

Donald Trump theoretically risks imprisonment, with falsification of accounting documents punishable by a maximum of four years in New York State. But the probability that the billionaire will end up behind bars is quite low.

In the absence of a criminal record of the defendant, who will be 78 years old at the time of sentencing, the judge should instead sentence him to a suspended prison sentence, or to community service, as well as and possibly a fine.

In any case, Donald Trump has one month to notify his intention to appeal, announced on Thursday evening by his lawyers, and then several months to do so officially. This appeal will most likely have a suspensive effect on his sentence, particularly in the event of prison time. And a possible trial or appeal is unlikely to be held before the presidential election.

Until then, the campaign continues

In the event of a hypothetical prison sentence being applied, Donald Trump will remain a candidate. Indeed, in the American Constitution, nothing prevents launching the race for the White House from a cell.

Donald Trump set the tone as he left the court this Thursday: for him, the “real verdict” will be that of the polls on Tuesday, November 5, not that of the popular jury of his trial.

Despite the verdict, the campaign continues. During the night, the former American president met with journalists for a press conference at Trump Tower this Friday, May 31. Now that he no longer has to stay in New York during the trial, he is expected to increase the number of campaign events in the coming weeks.

Above all, on Thursday June 27, he will face Joe Biden for the first time in four years in a debate organized by CNN. Although he was found guilty, Donald Trump will therefore be able to take office in January 2025 if he wins the presidential election. However, he will not be able to pardon himself or order the dismissal of these proceedings since it is a New York State procedure and not a federal one.

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