Lidl is launching an urgent massive product recall throughout for reasons of contamination, it concerns chicken

Lidl is launching an urgent massive product recall throughout for reasons of contamination, it concerns chicken
Lidl is launching an urgent massive product recall throughout France for reasons of contamination, it concerns chicken
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Roasted, fried or in different recipes, chicken is one of the ingredients we often use in cooking. It is also one of the meats that the French consume the most on a daily basis. If you regularly shop with the Lidl brand, however, you will have to be careful! Indeed, certain batches present health risks!

Lidl sounds the alert!

Lidl always strives to offer the best products for its customers. Quality is precisely one of the reasons that push customers to flock to the brand. And this, in addition to prices which are generally low in the distribution giant’s stores. But if the latter always pays attention to only offering items that meet standards, customers are not always safe !

Recently, Lidl launched an alert which should attract the attention of all its customers. And especially those who love chicken! The procedure dates from October 17 last and calls for consumer vigilance even if the product is no longer on the shelves. In fact, there is a chance that you have it at home after recently shopping with the brand. Especially since it was on sale between September 25 and October 4.

The batch recalled at Lidl are 1 kg trays containing chicken thighs from the L’Etal du Poulier brand. Customers should especially pay attention to those whose batch has the barcode 4056489370079. They hold the batch number 3224037506 and were for dining before October 4, 2024.

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Why should you avoid consuming them?

Lidl regularly ensures the storage of its products. An approach which aims above all to guarantee the health of its customers and the purchase of items that meet standards. Unfortunately, it happens that certain food products are contaminated by bacteria of all kinds. You must therefore be very careful to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

For this particular batch, Lidl declares a Listeria contamination. This is a bacteria that causes health problems, especially in vulnerable people. If you have ever consumed it, you may experience a fever, headache or even body aches.

In more severe cases, this Lidl product may cause neurological complications and be particularly dangerous for pregnant women. Note that the symptoms of listeriosis may not appear until after 8 weeks. Caution is therefore required!

What to do if you have this Lidl product?

In its recall procedure, Lidl offers customers return the chicken trays to the store of purchase. Customers will then be able to benefit from a reimbursement from the brand for their purchase!

Lidl also provides customers with a customer service number to communicate on the subject. This is the 08 00 54 35 54 35which you can call to retrieve all the information that may be essential to you.

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