Organ donation: “one yes can save six lives” recalls Doctor Hélène Grégoire from the CHRU

Organ donation: “one yes can save six lives” recalls Doctor Hélène Grégoire from the CHRU
Organ donation: “one yes can save six lives” recalls Doctor Hélène Grégoire from the Nancy CHRU

While World Organ Donation Day was held on Thursday October 17, Doctor Hélène Grégoire, head of the organ procurement unit at the CHRU, was the guest of Bleu Lorraine this Friday to discuss the ongoing needs. more important.

During Covid, transplants had decreased by 25% In France. Since then, the French Biomedicine Agency has reported an increase in activity. But the needs are as constant as ever and the nursing staff continue to educate on this subject. This is the case of Doctor Hélène Grégoire, head of the organ procurement unit at Nancy University Hospital, guest of France Bleu Lorraine this Friday, October 18, the day after World Organ Donor Day.

Currently, at the national level, almost 21,000 people are waiting of a transplant. In Lorraine, for a kidney transplantthese are more than 500 patients who are on waiting list. With delays that vary greatly depending on the person, but which can go up to several years according to Doctor Hélène Grégoire. “All organs are essential”says the doctor.

How to accept organ donation?

Today is the “presumed consent” which applies. Which means that people who object must come forward via the national register of refusals. The opposition rate at national level amounts to 36% according to the latest figures transmitted in September by the Biomedicine Agency. A very high figure, difficult to explain for Doctor Hélène Grégoire. “Last year, at the Nancy CHRU, we had a rate of less than 30% but this year we far exceeded it.”

The Nancy CHRU carries out prevention actions, several times a year, to alleviate fears around organ donation. “A yes during one’s lifetime can save six lives”recalls the head of the organ harvesting unit.




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