Rather than taking care of Emily in , “I would prefer that the president ensures that Doliprane stays in ,” says Faure

Rather than taking care of Emily in , “I would prefer that the president ensures that Doliprane stays in ,” says Faure
Rather than taking care of Emily in Paris, “I would prefer that the president ensures that Doliprane stays in France,” says Faure


The first secretary of the Socialist Party did not hide his feelings this Sunday, faced with the risk of seeing one of the subsidiaries of Sanofi, which notably produces the painkiller preferred by the French, leave for the United States.

It’s the bloodbath of this Sunday. The first secretary of the Socialist Party Olivier Faure did not hesitate to call Emmanuel Macron to order this Sunday, regarding the Doliprane file. “The President (of the Republic, Editor’s note) is taking care today to ensure that Emily in remains in , I would prefer that he takes care of ensuring that Doliprane stays in France”he blurted out France Inter. Reacting to the announcement of the French pharmaceutical industry giant Sanofi, which revealed on Friday that it was in the process of negotiating with an investment fund across the Atlantic to sell it one of its subsidiaries, Olivier Faure did not hide his disapproval of the risk that Doliprane production will fall under the American flagship.

A little dig at the President of the Republic, who had wanted the successful series Emily in Paris to remain in the French capital. Asked during an interview with the American cultural magazine Variety on the fact that the Netflix phenomenon series had left Paris for Rome before the fifth season, Emmanuel Macron had indeed responded: “We will fight hard. And we will ask them to stay in Paris! Emily in Paris in Rome makes no sense”. Enough to annoy his detractors who would obviously prefer that the head of state take more care of French companies.

“You know that there is a law (the Monetary and Financial Code, Editor’s note) which allows, on health issues, to block a sale and ensure that Sanofi reverses its decision”also defended Olivier Faure, emphasizing that as long as the sale was not “not yet contractualized”there was “always a possibility” let it not happen. In addition, the boss of the PS recalled “that there were two funds ready to invest in Doliprane” : “an American fund and a French fund”. And to affirm: “This French fund – which is called PAI (Partners, Editor’s note) – presented all the guarantees, and produced an offer completely equivalent to that of the American fund”.

Also readSanofi awaits the outcome of the auction for its Doliprane


“Our health sovereignty is at stake”

“Why the hell choose the American fund rather than the French fund, when tomorrow if there is a problem of drug shortage, you know very well that the American government could ask that there be a priority given to the Americans rather than ‘to the French’he asked himself again. “It is a problem of health sovereignty that is posed”he finally concluded.

And he is far from being the only one to think so, since that same day, all the parliamentarians of the Socialist Party co-signed a column published by the Tribune Sunday to in turn oppose this operation. “The government must refuse the American takeover of Sanofi’s factory, and require Sanofi to preserve national control of these activities which are essential for our sovereignty”they wrote.

At the same time, the government – through the Minister Delegate in charge of Industry Marc Ferracci – said it was convinced of obtaining commitments from both parties in this matter, in particular that the industrial sites concerned by this sale would be maintained in France. “I very sincerely think that commitments will be made, which will be very solid, both to maintain jobs and to maintain security of supply for the French” in medicine, he assured.



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