who is Edith Heard, biologist specializing in epigenetics?

who is Edith Heard, biologist specializing in epigenetics?
who is Edith Heard, biologist specializing in epigenetics?

It is one of the most prestigious French scientific distinctions. Tuesday October 1, the gold medal from the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) was awarded to Edith Heard, biologist and specialist in epigenetics.

This researcher with Persian blue eyes and a dazzling smile allowed a major advance in epigenetics.“His research, particularly on the inactivation of the X chromosome, opens new perspectives both in biology and in medicine,” explains the CNRS in a press release.

“I was curious about everything, and I wanted to understand everything to the end”

“I wasn’t the kind of kid who caught insects and looked at them in a jar. But I was curious about everythingand I had thirst to understand everything until the end »she said. Born to an English father and a Greek mother, Edith Heard very quickly became passionate about the world of science.

“I am a fervent defender of fundamental research, which allows us to make leaps forward in knowledge, which can then give rise to applications”she maintains. At 59 years old, this researcher and professor at the Collège de has worked in many fields. First interested in astronomyit moves towards the biologynotably epigenetics.

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