“A sexy project that makes you want to come and work here”: what we know about the new economic center of Alès, expected at Prés Saint-Jean

“A sexy project that makes you want to come and work here”: what we know about the new economic center of Alès, expected at Prés Saint-Jean
“A sexy project that makes you want to come and work here”: what we know about the new economic center of Alès, expected at Prés Saint-Jean

A + Architecture, based in , is the firm selected, mid-week, for the creation of the new economic center of Alès. His project is presented this Friday, September 27…

We knew it. With a view to creating a new economic center in Alès, in the Prés Saint-Jean district, near the Travail agency (formerly Pôle emploi), Saem’Alès was to appoint the consulting firm architects who will give substance to this project, during a calls for tenders committee scheduled for the morning of Wednesday September 25. Which was well and truly done. And, finally, the winner of this project management competition is the Montpellier-based A + Architecture.

The A+ Architecture project was unveiled this Friday, September 27, at Prés Saint-Jean.

“For what? To work there, not to sleep!”says Max Roustan, the mayor. Because, for the record, on a plot of land of 9,300 m2 in the middle of an area classified as a priority district of city policy (QPPV), spaces are expected, as part of the overall urban renewal project of Alès, for professionals and a training “hub”.

“Between 200 and 300 employees” are hoped for

There, 5,400 m2 of floor space will be devoted to “around sixty offices, around twenty workshops on the ground floor of a building and a training center of a thousand square meters”details Christophe Perez, director of Saem’Alès (mixed economy company). “Between 200 and 300 employees will come to work in the neighborhood.” Christophe Rivenq, the president of the Agglomeration, is pleased that in view of the approximately €4 million in subsidies from Anru (National Agency for Urban Renewal) received, out of the €11 million (excluding tax) of investment, “rental costs will be very affordable”. And if the chief magistrate concedes that this project has everything“an equal”the boss of Alès Agglo declares that“There will be jobs and we are very optimistic. The economy will bring new peace and new life to this neighborhood.”

A strong project with a proud look

In any case, it is clear that this new economic center, as it is presented, looks great. “What attracts us, what motivates us, is popular architecture. A bit like good Beatles music, which brings people together, which everyone loves”says Clément Rabourdin, of the A + Architecture firm. “We wanted to offer a sexy project that makes you want to come and work here.” He then highlights the aspect “diamond” of some of the future buildings. “It had to please users”he insists. “Let it be easy, practical. We have worked on accessibility.” This, both from the outside (the site will not be closed, but open to the city) and inside the offices and workshops, so that “it fits”. Clément Rabourdin also praises the environmental qualities of a “flexible, robust tool, with a brilliant image”which he describes as “virtuous, so that future generations will appreciate it”.

First, the building near the Gardon

The selected architectural firm, “our objective now is to work very quickly on the building permit”declares Christophe Perez, the director of Saem’Alès. Obviously, this business real estate project will be carried out in stages. The first phase, in fact, will “on the part closest to the Gardon to be seen” and, thus, “attract” companies. Indeed, this first building will house offices and workshops. Banking on “13 to 14 months of work”after getting rid of studies and other administrative procedures, the local authority hopes that this first project will be completed “end of 2025, beginning of 2026”the companies can then take possession of the premises upon delivery. The other phases will follow, punctuated, certainly, by requests for occupation of the site by entrepreneurs. But, regarding the end of the construction of this entire economic center, Max Roustan and Christophe Rivenq have one hope: “2028 would be perfect…”

Certainly, this is a question of“integrate the economy” in a priority area of ​​the city. But not only, recalls Christophe Rivenq, who insists on the fact that “€60 million which will be invested” at Prés Saint-Jean are for housing, via the Cévennes Logis, public space, the project house… This, in a global plan for urban renewal of Alès mobilizing around €180 million. For now, the mayor is focusing on what is expected on the land bordering France Travail. “For what we had to do with this space, came the brilliant idea. In all humility”smiles Max Roustan. “You are in the only economic zone, in the political district of the city, which will be built in France, as part of the Anru.”



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