this terrible loss from which she cannot recover, “It’s a tear”

this terrible loss from which she cannot recover, “It’s a tear”
this terrible loss from which she cannot recover, “It’s a tear”

The star, very marked by the death a few weeks ago of Alain Delon, is also in mourning from another of his faithful companions. Brigitte Bardot has lost a loved one and she is not ready to recover from this
disappearance. The one who for several decades chose to end her career to devote herself to the animal cause spoke to the press.

I lose a friendan alter ego, an accomplice. (…) You know disappearance creates an abysmal void that nothing and no one will be able to fill.”she declared last August in a message manuscript sent to AFP. It is an understatement to say that the death of the sacred monster of French cinema on August 18 moved the woman who is celebrating her 90th birthday this Saturday, September 28.

Brigitte Bardot mourns the disappearance of her friend

It must be said that Alain Delon and Brigitte Bardot were the
symbols from a not so distant era, the icons of this of the second part of the 20th century. They were also united by a deep friendship. But in addition to the loss of his friend, the one who was remembered for his role in And God… created woman also has to face the
disappearance of one of his faithful companions.

In fact, a few months ago, she lost his dog AND and the least we can say is that she remains very marked by this tragedy. This is what she explained to the magazine’s journalists Gala in an interview which was published this Thursday, September 26. “Losing an animal is scary for me. It’s a tear very deep that I keep.”she began by explaining.

Brigitte Bardot “wears mourning”

I don’t forget.”continued the star. Before adding: “It builds up and ends up being horribly traumatic. Because I mourn their loss. I carry it in my heart and on me: I am in black.” His love for animals is well known. Each disappearance of one of her companions leaves her literally devastated. She also took the opportunity to emphasize the importance that ET had in her life.

“It was my last dog. I don’t have any more. Now only my cat sleeps with me.”she admitted. Brigitte Bardot told how she met the man she misses so much today.
“When we came to abandon ET at the Foundation, I had just lost another dog. I
attached to him, and he to me, in a very special way. That is to say fusional.”

crédit photo : Shutterstock
Brigitte Bardot

ET held “a preponderant place” in the life of Brigitte Bardot

Brigitte Bardot is not acting when she talks about her love of animals. And these are at the center of his life with particularly strong ties as she could have had for ET “As I am enough alone in lifehe held a preponderant place.”she blurted. Because despite her fame, the former actress is not as surrounded as it seems.

If many people work with her at La Madrague, as our colleague points out, she specifies that she has not
“not with them friendly relationship.” And besides, she lives this very well solitude
that it helps to cultivate. She doesn’t want friends visiting.
“I am very good with my work, my meditations, my daydreams and my books.”



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