This time change would be the worst for health according to Doctor Jimmy Mohamed

In a month, you won’t cut it! The time change will be imposed on everyone again. But is this good for your health?

The time change will take place in a month. This is yet another upheaval in our habits that we will have to get used to. However, this could be beneficial according to Dr Jimmy Mohamed.

Prepare for the winter time change

Tick, tock… All on your watches! The time change is planned for very soon. Indeed, on the night of Saturday October 26 to Sunday October 27, we will all move our hands back an hour.

In other words, at 3 a.m., it will actually only be 2 a.m. Moving us an hour later will force us to sit down at the table earlier. And also to go to bed earlier.

However, our biological clock does not necessarily always follow the rhythm we impose on it! For all these reasons, the time change is increasingly criticized by health professionals.

Moreover, many European countries would like to put an end to it. In March 2019, MEPs met to vote on a project aimed at remove seasonal time change. An initiative which finally bore fruit since the directive was adopted in 2022.

But due to the health crisis linked to Covid-19, this project was postponed, before being completely abandoned. The same year, a survey was carried out among the French. The question was about their preference for daylight saving time and standard time.

For the majority of our compatriots, it was summer time which was widely acclaimed. Synonymous with longer days, it seems to win all the votes. However, it is not the one to favor for health.

The latter does not respect our circadian cycle. That is to say our integrated biological rhythm governing certain physiological processes such as sleep and eating.

Is summer time bad for your health?

This is indeed what doctor Jimmy Mohamed reveals. According to him, the change in summer time has many harmful effects. “The sun setting later and later disrupts the sleep hormone, melatonin”revealed the doctor.

Indeed, summer time would be more difficult for people with sleep disorders. In addition, the doctor emphasizes that the time change also causes serious health problems.

“These changes increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, depressive disorders and even road accidents,” he insists. For all these reasons, the latter therefore believes that staying in winter time all year round would be more favorable.

But actually, why was this system put in place? The time change was introduced with the aim of achieve energy savings following the 1973 oil crisis. But 50 years later, is it still a good idea for our euros?

The answer is no! And what’s more, it makes us lose money! This was highlighted by a British study. This had in fact demonstrated that removing the time change in October would save money.

Researchers at Queen’s University Belfast said this would save around £400 per household per year. Quite simply by reducing commercial and residential electricity demand.

By returning home earlier from work, they would have less lighting and heating. A good argument for definitely staying on summer time. And no longer impose this time change in October. And you, what do you think?


Long-term editor for, I also write articles for different media. Passionate about culture, music and cinema, I like to write on various subjects. My favorite areas are news, lifestyle and media.



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