Pensions: What does the bill presented by the National Rally to ‘repeal’ the reform contain? | LCP

Pensions: What does the bill presented by the National Rally to ‘repeal’ the reform contain? | LCP
Pensions: What does the bill presented by the National Rally to ‘repeal’ the reform contain? | LCP

The bill aimed at “restore a fairer pension system by cancelling the last reformss”, presented by the deputies of the National Rally, was deemed admissible under article 40 of the Constitution, this Wednesday, September 18, by the Bureau of the National Assembly. The text, which proposes in particular to return to the postponement of the retirement age from 62 to 64 years, can therefore be examined by the deputies.

The debate on pensions will take place. This Wednesday, September 18, the Bureau of the National Assembly deemed admissible under Article 40 of the Constitution the proposed law aimed at “restore a fairer pension system by cancelling the latest reforms concerning the retirement age and the number of annuities“. The text, presented by the group National Rallycan therefore be debated as part of its parliamentary initiative day which will take place on October 31.

The Bureau, the highest collegiate authority of the Palais-Bourbon – within which the New Popular Front is in the majority, while the RN has no representative – had to decide on there financial admissibility of the proposed law, whereas, according to the Constitution, parliamentarians cannot propose a measure which would have the consequence of “either a reduction in public resources or the creation or aggravation of a public burden“.

The main object of the text is to return to the 2023 pension reformwhose adoption is judged “illegitimate“. “The executive branch has knowingly chosen, from the moment the bill was tabled, to carry out all the constitutional contortions to muzzle Parliament.“, denounce Marine Le Pen And Thomas Menage in the explanatory statement of their text, recalling that the government had finally chosen to take responsibility for getting the reform passed. A denial of democracyaccording to RN deputies who also criticize a reform socially unfair And economically inefficient.

Legal retirement age and contribution period

Considering it necessary to repeal the reform, Marine Le Pen and the elected representatives of her group write that they want fix“the” government’s mistakes. While waiting for a “comprehensive reform” promised in the event of coming to power, the National Rally proposes to act on two levers. First lever, the proposed law provides for return to the parameter of the legal retirement age by reestablishing the opening of rights at 62 years from the generation of 1955, instead of 64 years from the 1968 generation.

Second lever, the text aims to return to the contribution period parameter to obtain the full rateby setting the required duration at 42 annuities (168 quarters) from the 1961 generation, instead of the 43 annuities (172 quarters) retained from the 1965 generation in the current system. A measure intended, states the proposed law, has guarantee that people eligible for the so-called “long career” system can benefit from a truly early departureas well as to allow the rapprochement of the economic age and the legal retirement age for insured persons covered by ordinary law.

The text will be examined by the deputies of the social affairs committee in the coming weeks, then in the hemicycle of the Assembly during the parliamentary initiative day of the National Rally which will take place on October 31.



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