VIDEO – Côte-d’Or: a tornado hits the village of Losne

VIDEO – Côte-d’Or: a tornado hits the village of Losne
VIDEO – Côte-d’Or: a tornado hits the village of Losne

A scene worthy of a disaster film in the United States. Thursday September 26, 2024, around 2:30 p.m.-3 p.m., a tornado struck Losne, in Côte-d’Or. The phenomenon was filmed by a resident*, and relayed by KeraunosFrench observatory for tornadoes and violent storms. No injuries, but some damage.

Tiles flying off the roofs of houses or garden sheds, a total of six houses are affected according to the village mayor, Laurence Brébant, contacted by Bleu Bourgogne. On one house in particular, around fifty tiles were gone. A tarpaulin was installed, but the family – a couple with a baby – was relocated, according to the gendarmes.

*Author : Maxime Dorey

“The little garden sheds are shredded”

“There is the roof of a garden shed, made of sheet metal, which went more than 400 meters away, we found it in a field much further away, says Laurence Brébant. Only material damage, but it could have been much more significant. The little garden sheds are torn to pieces and gone very far. It could have caused injury.” “It’s really the first time. Downpours yes, but this… Plus it’s very localized. Never seen that! We thought of the Americans when they experience these tornadoes, it’s impressive”, says the chosen one.



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