A day dedicated to animals, an opportunity for cities to get involved

A day dedicated to animals, an opportunity for cities to get involved
A day dedicated to animals, an opportunity for cities to get involved

L214 supports cities to act in favor of the animal condition

On the occasion of World Animal Day on October 4, many cities organize “animal festivals in the city” and communicate about their actions committed to the animal condition. L214 encourages them to continue their work and invites municipalities wishing to act for animals to consult the “A city for animals” charter as well as to contact the association via its Politics & Animals website to benefit from technical support on these simple, common-sense measures.

To date, the top 10 cities in the ranking established by L214 have met at least 40% of the objectives set by the charter. Realistic and easily achievable objectives, such as the creation of an animal welfare delegation, collaboration with animal protection organizations for the sterilization of street cats, the adoption of household products not tested on animals or even the implementation in place of vegetarian options in collective catering.
So many concrete measures that citizens expect from their municipality, all environments (rural/urban) and all political colors combined. (IFOP, 2019).

→ The “A city for animals” campaign

Celebrating animals in town on October 4, a festive and educational action alongside lasting measures

A measure proposed by the “A city for animals” charter, which makes it possible to evaluate the commitment of municipalities, consists in particular of “ organize annually an associative village around animal ethics “.

The date of October 4, when we traditionally celebrate Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, and which became World Animal Day in 1931, was chosen by many municipalities to celebrate “the animal in the city »: Boulogne-Billancourt, , , , etc.

A festive and educational day, which is an opportunity to highlight long-term measures on pets, circuses, hunting, bullfighting, and in particular animal breeding conditions.. Town halls indeed have important levers of action in this area, since they can, for example, choose to integrate animal welfare as a criterion for awarding public contracts (art. R2152-7 of the public procurement code ), particularly for school canteens, and thus avoid products from intensive farming.

→ “A city for animals” objective grid

Often overlooked, the power of cities over the animal condition is immense. This is why L214 proposes measures to enable them to address these issues, and best support them in their approach. In contact with more than 30 municipalities, L214 invites interested town halls to get in touch with the towns whose initiatives have been a success.

→ Discover local initiatives

→ Contact page for town halls

For Erwin Goeller, public affairs officer of L214:
October 4 is now a key date on which cities communicate on their actions in favor of animal welfare. Local initiatives that appeal to citizens! On this occasion, the L214 association recalls that it supports municipalities to better take animals into account in their public policies, particularly in the area of ​​food. We invite large cities to contact us via our Politics & Animals website! »

→ Press contact



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