Cup of tea, scones and… murder

Cup of tea, scones and… murder
Cup of tea, scones and… murder

Thedomancy is the reading of tea leaves to detect subtle clues combined with intuition and experience. Nita Rose probably wrote this novel using it.

Good at details

When the autopsy reveals that Grimthorpe was poisoned in the tea room of the Regency Grand, some of the staff become suspects, including the head of the chambermaids.

Molly, who is gifted with details, is determined to prove the opposite. She tells the detective: “I may be missing what seems obvious to you, but I have always been attentive to what others do not know.”

The thriller also features a club of women who are diehard Grimthorpe fans. One of them, a true aficionado, prides herself on being the official biographer, which the author denies. This woman knows that the writer likes to sweeten his tea with honey.

The clink of the spoon

Molly knows the sound of the clinking of a real silver spoon against a fine china cup, “true music to my ears.” She not only has an eye for the most curious details, she also has an ear. Will spoon and pot of honey shake up the police investigation by opening a new lead…?



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