Montauban. “Increase the offer when all users are active”

Montauban. “Increase the offer when all users are active”
Montauban. “Increase the offer when all users are active”

the essential
With a new public service delegation until 2031, Montalban Transport will move up a gear by offering new offers to users from July 8. The director, Jérôme Demailly takes stock.

On 4x3s set up in the city, you announce “a new journey” for Transports Montalbanais. What exactly is it?

For several months, we went on the network to meet users. A daily survey carried out on the different lines, at different times to have as many elements as possible. The last changes date back to 2018 and with this new DSP, it seemed important to us to offer a new offer.

What are the main changes?

First of all, we are going to change our logo. Transports Montalbanais (TM) will become Transports du Grand Montauban (TGM). We already operate in several cities in the metropolitan area and it was therefore logical to adapt. The survey allowed us to distinguish two periods, school holidays and periods when everyone is active. When schoolchildren are on holiday, activity drops by 50%. The idea is therefore to increase our offers when all users are active. This represents 5% additional offers, or 50,000 km more each year. To support users, we have also installed passenger information terminals which provide real-time traffic information at the station, at Henri-Marre and Prax-Paris. Our goal is to develop this technology.

Can users expect to save time?

There will still be eight lines, which will go from 1 to 8 to the letters A to H, but they will be connected differently. From one bus every 50 minutes or so, we will go to 35 minutes and two lines will benefit from a rotation every 20 minutes. We will strengthen the connection between the station and the city centre with three lines as well as in developing neighbourhoods such as Fonneuve and Birac. In the latter, activity has increased by 40% in 18 months, we have gone from 1,050 passengers per week to 2,100. Starting in September, there will be 16 departures instead of 11. We have also planned three new stops on Pasteur and Louis-Lafon streets.

Does this mean a strengthening of human and material resources?

No, we will operate with the same means and there will be no increase in prices as has been the case for several years. This is despite labor and energy costs, knowing that we travel 1.1 million kilometers per year. We have implemented a new ticketing system. Users will be able to pay for single tickets by credit card from Monday. There was high demand and this corresponds to 30% of our customers.

Can we imagine an extension of hours in the evening or on Sunday?

In our investigation, there were few if any requests. The first departure is at 6:30 a.m. and the end of the service around 7:30 p.m. For Sundays, we have set up a free shuttle since September which allows students to reach the university or the Bourdelle high school from the station. There are two departures and two returns.

When will this system be effective?

We will move to summer hours on July 8 and the offer will be available in full on September 1. Until then, we will support users so that they discover the changes.

What is the attendance?

In 2023, there was an increase of 7% compared to 2019, the last period before covid. At the end of May 2024, we are up 2 to 3% compared to 2023. We feel that people are starting to change their mentality on the issue of mobility. We see it with soft mobility. Our 50 electric bikes are reserved every day and we will have 35 more in September.

Is your vehicle fleet set to change?

We currently have 23 diesel buses. 50% of the fleet must be renewed in the next DSP. There remains the question of energy, knowing that the investment is much greater for electric or hydrogen buses.



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