Police report autopsy results and make statement on cause of death

Police report autopsy results and make statement on cause of death
Police report autopsy results and make statement on cause of death
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Stand: 29.06.2024, 05:12 a.m.

Von: Julia Hanigk


The autopsy results on the child’s body that was found are in: Arian is dead. No information is given about the cause of death.

Update from June 28, 8:11 p.m.: The search for the missing Arian took a long time. The police also searched the field where his body was found. Why was he not noticed? An FR investigation reconstructs the search for Arian.

Update from June 28, 4.10 p.m.: A DNA comparison revealed that Arian was the dead child that a farmer found on a meadow in the district of Stade on Monday afternoon while mowing. Now the Protestant church wants to give people a place to mourn after the death of the six-year-old.

The church in the Elm community – a district of Bremervörde and the home of the autistic child – should serve as a “place of quiet mourning and remembrance,” said the superintendent of the Bremervörde-Zeven church district, Carsten Stock, on Friday. For this purpose, the church should be open on Friday afternoon from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The “Nordwest-Zeitung” had previously reported online.

Stock explained that four different stations would be prepared where people could grieve in different ways and express the “feelings that move them.” They could light a candle for the little boy or symbolically give him flower petals.

Update from June 28, 12.10 p.m.: The public will not know how and when Arian died. But why? At IPPEN.MEDIA, former investigator Christian Matzdorf gives two possible reasons for the police’s decision not to disclose the cause of death.

Update from June 28, 05.30 am: It is a sad certainty: Arian is dead. The body found in the Stade district is that of the autistic boy who ran away from home. The police have ruled out a crime, and the cause of death remains unclear, citing the boy’s privacy. A press release stated: “The investigating authorities have now determined, based on the results of the DNA comparison, that the body found in the municipality of Estorf (Stade district) is that of Arian from Elm, who was reported missing in April.”

Missing Arian dead: Some questions remain unanswered

Update from June 27, 9:09 p.m.: With the autopsy report, the death of little Arian is now a sad certainty. On Thursday (June 27), the authorities announced that the child’s body discovered on Monday (June 24) was that of the missing six-year-old. However, some questions remain unanswered, especially the boy’s cause of death. Out of respect for the family, the police have not yet commented on this.

Internally, the question of why Arian was not found during the large-scale search will certainly be investigated in the next few days – the police combed the area where the child was discovered. The fact that the boy was autistic made the search more difficult, the emergency services explained in April when the boy disappeared. The boy may have hidden out of fear, which is typical behavior for such a young autistic child, said Bastian Kynast, spokesman for the Bremervörde city fire department at the time.

Missing Arian is dead: Police want to reopen case and clarify questions in the next few days

Update from June 27, 4:55 p.m.: Furthermore, internal investigations are now underway at the police. How could it be that the body was not found in the field? The search operation is now being analyzed. “It is important for the police to emphasize again and again that this is not about pointing the finger at someone who might have overlooked the boy during the search,” explains a NDR-Reporter. But there are still many questions that need to be answered in the next few days.

Update from June 27, 3:56 p.m.: Arian is dead, that is now a sad certainty. The police have not provided any information about the cause of death, citing privacy rights. Another question still needs to be answered: when did the six-year-old die? The autopsy on Thursday did not provide any information about the time of death.

Arian is dead: Police report results of autopsy

Update from June 27, 3:19 p.m.: Now there is clarity. “The body recently found is that of Arian from Elm, who has been missing since April,” the Rotenburg police announced. The authority also stressed again that “a post-mortem examination of the body did not provide any evidence of criminal acts.”

No information on Cause of death von Arian

Update from June 27, 1:14 p.m.: The exact cause of death remains uncertain, as does the identity of the child’s body that was found. However, the police assume that it is most likely Arian. Against this background, experts have already spoken out in advance.

Christian Matzdorf, an expert in criminal sciences, has IPPEN.MEDIA possible scenarios for the search operation are outlined. It is possible that Arian was overlooked during the search or that the search teams got lost in the area. After all, a child moves differently than organized search teams, and acts in a less structured manner.

Missing persons expert Peter Jamin, on the other hand, feared that the police may have made a mistake by relying on residents to search private property. He explained: “People were asked to look in their own houses and garages, but strangers – ideally experts – do this much more attentively.”

No evidence of Offense: Autopsy in the case Arian delivers first results

First report from June 27: Bremervörde – More than two months have now passed since six-year-old Arian disappeared from his home in Bremervörde-Elm. The police suspect that the autistic boy left his home on his own on April 22nd. An extensive search operation was then launched, with both professional emergency services and volunteers working day and night. Despite intensive searches on land, from the air and in the water, the boy could not be found. The search was called off.

Then on June 24th, the shocking discovery was made: While mowing, a farmer came across the body of a child just a few kilometers from Arian’s home. The police suspected that it was the missing boy, but only a DNA comparison can provide final certainty. The first results of the autopsy have now been announced in a press release by the Rotenburg police together with the Stade public prosecutor’s office.

Arian case: First autopsy results available

An “investigation carried out yesterday by the Institute of Legal Medicine at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) found no evidence of third-party negligence,” the police said. However, it is still not clear whether it is Arian. The police stated: “The UKE’s investigations to identify the body with certainty are still pending. However, the police believe it is highly likely that the deceased child is Arian from Elm, who has been missing since April.” The investigations were carried out on Wednesday, June 26. The police had already ruled out a crime.

Regarding the cause of death, it says: “In consideration of the personal rights of the deceased child and the relatives, no information will be given regarding the cause of death.”

“We gave it our all”: Helpers and police shocked, search is reconstructed

One question remains, however: Why was the boy not found despite the extensive search? The area in question had been combed several times by emergency services. The police are now planning to reconstruct the search to find out why the autistic boy was not found.

Volunteers and investigators are equally dismayed: A hunter who was involved in the search commented in the Bild newspaper: “We were here with around 500 men and we went through this exact area four or five times. With the fire brigade, with the police, with volunteers. We flew drones here, we gave it our all.”

The child’s body found is that of the missing Arian. © Rothenburg Police; Sina Schuldt/dpa

“Don’t blame anyone”: Was Arian overlooked?

When asked whether mistakes were made during the search, a police spokeswoman replied: “Everyone is wondering that.” She added dismayed: “We have searched there so many times. We cannot blame anyone.”

A former investigator outlined to IPPEN.MEDIA three possible scenarios. (jh/dpa)



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