Monolith Soft aims for “always more quality”

The development studio Monolith Soft is busy celebrating its 25th anniversary and Hirohide Sugiura, one of the founders of Monolith Soft, looked back on the company’s success and also looked to the future.

The company has produced a number of respected RPGs on the Nintendo Switch and shows no signs of slowing down. Here’s what Mr. Sugiura had to say about the studio and its ambitions.

Retrospective: Those 25 years seemed long to me, but they felt short. Looking back, I have accumulated so many memories that it is difficult to choose just one. There were many twists and turns, but every time a problem arose, we faced it head on, and the fact of having endured it allowed us to become who we are today.

The number of employees has increased significantly since our founding in 1999. Today we have three development studios and have been involved in the creation of many high-profile games. However, I don’t think we have had enough of the satisfaction that comes with success and accomplishment. This is something Monolith Soft will pursue as long as it exists, and may never be accessible.

If Monolith Soft were to continue to exist, we would still be in the genesis stage. I hope that the history of our society will continue for 100, 200 or even 500 years.

Future goals: Instead of settling for the status quo, we continue to strive for better quality.

As I’ve mentioned before, as long as Monolith Soft exists, our commitment to never being satisfied with the status quo and striving for better quality will never change.

With this in mind, we plan to intensify our efforts to create an environment conducive to the emergence of new leaders.

Furthermore, we want to continue to be a company that makes customers happy. For example, beyond the framework of video games, we want to become a charismatic company, in particular by further developing customer service.




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