To find out if your Mac has a virus (and eliminate it), this tool is super competent

To find out if your Mac has a virus (and eliminate it), this tool is super competent
To find out if your Mac has a virus (and eliminate it), this tool is super competent

On Mac, Intego is the company best able to protect you like a pro. Created in France in 1997, it has since moved its offices to the United States. Its particularity lies in the fact that it is the only publisher on the market to offer a solution entirely dedicated to Macs.

In comparison, other players such as Bitdefender, McAfee, Norton offer a range of antiviruses for Windows machines. Microsoft’s operating system is much more widespread than Apple’s, which is quite logical. Intego has however decided to focus all its expertise on computers running MacOS, which makes it the undisputed specialist in this field.

I use Intego antivirus

If you usually have to pay 49.99 euros to acquire an annual license for your Mac Internet Security antivirus, it now only costs 19.99 euros. It is therefore an immediate discount of -60% to which we are entitled. That said, it certainly won’t last forever. It is therefore better to take advantage of it while it is still available at this advantageous price.

In concrete terms, for less than 2 euros per month, you have an antivirus with an excellent reputation, adopted by more than 40 million users around the world. If you don’t know what to expect, you have a 30-day money-back guarantee that allows you to test it thoroughly for a month. If it doesn’t suit you, you can simply cancel before the end of this period, without any additional costs.

A extremely effective Mac antivirus

Has your Mac suddenly become slow for no particular reason? Can’t find certain files? It may have been infected by a virus or malware. To be sure, nothing beats Intego’s antivirus. After installing it on your computer, simply launch it and it will perform a complete scan of your computer. If it detects any anomalies, you will be the first to know.

And will be able to make the appropriate decisions to remedy this problem. Then, every time you start your Mac, the antivirus will run in the background, 24/7 to guarantee you real-time protection. The other advantage of Intego security software is that it is not at all intrusive. As a result, it does not display any advertisements or anxiety-provoking windows. It’s discreet and you won’t even realize it’s there.

It will alert you only when it is really necessary. Also, the tool has a firewall which helps secure the network, even when you are connected to a public network. On the other hand, it integrates a whole bunch of other features which allow it, for example, to spot counterfeit websites, phishing attempts, spam and other types of threats (ransomware, malware, botnets, etc.).

In summary, Intego antivirus offers you a very high level of protection. Note also that it comes from the Pack Premium Mac suite which also includes other tools which are very useful for Macs. This includes the Washing Machine, a Mac optimizer that can triple the speed of the latter, parental controls, and a tool for making backups in the cloud. His price ? 29.99 euros for the first year thanks to a -65% discount. This is also a very good deal, since normally, it costs 84.99 euros.

We can only recommend it, especially since it offers incredible value for money. For 10 euros more than the antivirus alone, it will allow you to have the best of Intego. In any case, you can try it for 30 days and if necessary, claim the money-back guarantee.

I use Intego antivirus

To find out more about the Premium Mac Pack, click here:

I benefit from the complete Intego solution

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