iPhone X and first AirPods are now considered “old” by Apple

iPhone X and first AirPods are now considered “old” by Apple
iPhone X and first AirPods are now considered “old” by Apple

On its website, Apple specifies that “old” products are no longer repaired by it.

The end of the game for a selection of Apple devices. The American company has updated its list of products considered “old”, adding no less than three devices.

“Legacy products include products that have been out of production for more than five years (less than seven years at most). Apple no longer performs hardware repairs on legacy products,” the company states on its website.

iPhone X, Airpods and Homepod affected

Among the products added to this very long list is the iPhone X. This is an iconic model for the brand. It both set the tone for the design of the iPhones we know today, but also introduced FaceID instead of TouchID – to identify yourself with your eyes and face to unlock the smartphone.

Launched in 2017, its production was stopped in September 2018. Despite its express lifespan, it was nevertheless widely praised for its bold design with a pronounced “edge-to-edge” aspect for the time. With the “old” label of the iPhone X, it is therefore a whole part of the history of the iPhone that is now part of a bygone past. It has not benefited from iOS updates since 2023.

The first-generation AirPods, released in December 2016, are also affected by this scrapping. Apple’s first “true-wireless” headphones caused a sensation, and were only replaced in 2019 by a second generation. They were so successful that they still serve as a model for many competitors today.

Finally, the Homepod, also first generation. Its fate is a little more turbulent than the other two since we quickly understood that with a high pricing, Apple’s connected speaker never really found its audience until it was withdrawn from sales in 2021. The “mini” versions, released in 2020, on the other hand, worked better.

Fans of the big Homepod had to wait until 2023 to find a successor, but not without gaining some interesting features.

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