A successful season for Quai en fête

A successful season for Quai en fête
A successful season for Quai en fête

BECANCOUR. The 2024 season of Quai en fête ended in style last weekend, with Éric Masson and Salut Bob Gorgée. They came to close a rich program of 60 shows and memorable moments. In total, more than 15,000 visitors took advantage of these events throughout the summer of 2024.

THE Major events on Saturday were among the highlights of the summer. We will remember the performances of Northern Guysthe show Between us if we sang againPhil Lauzon and his tribute to Luke Combs as well as other highly appreciated tributes from Foreign Journey, Tramp of the Century and Metal Messiahs.

The Trad weekend, every year, attracts traditional music fans with Les Cuillères à Carreaux, hosts of this festival. Le Rêve du Diable and Les Cousins ​​Branchaud, whose reputations are well established, kept the party going throughout the weekend.

Free Fridays and in French

Thanks to the financial support of Hydro Québec, Quai en fête presented ten free shows on Fridays. They featured Pépé and his guitar, Nelson Voyer, Thus be it, les Ouidires, l’Arsenal, les Mononcs, les Gars d’la place and Bel Hommage, homage to Beau Dommage, a show specially designed for Quai en party.

“We are delighted with the success of this 2024 edition,” declares Clairette Biron, President of the Board of Directors. “Quai en fête is more than just an event, it is above all an opportunity to bring the community together around culture and conviviality. We saw families and visitors from all walks of life coming together to enjoy these moments of pleasure together.”

As the curtain falls on this momentous season, organizers are already looking to the future. Quai en fête will return in 2025 with new surprises and new features that promise to further enrich this summer experience.

“We have already started planning the next edition, with the ambition of offering even more innovative and accessible programming, especially since 2025 will celebrate the 10th anniversary of Quai en fête,” underlines Pascal Doucet, general director.



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