Tired of the show, Gerald Watelet reveals the reasons for his departure from “Concluded Deal”

At the beginning of September, the host revealed to Ciné-Télé-Revue that he intended to leave “Affaire concluded”, the show broadcast on the front page and 2. “I’m very busy, I’m running out of time. I also have quite a few activities in terms of decoration, I will very soon be participating in the opening of a restaurant which I will take care of,” Gerald Watelet confided to us.

“At any given time, you can’t be everywhere. And to choose is to give up. My country is Belgium. It’s not easy to spend your day in . I filmed back-to-school shows before the summer, but I think this will be the last time,” he said.

Interviewed on the Jordan De Luxe show, Gerald Watelet once again spoke about the reasons for his departure: “It’s like in love, when you start to get tired, it’s because there’s a problem. So it’s better to leave when you’re just tired than when you’re out of love. »

“Deal concluded”: Gerald Watelet reveals his salary for the France 2 show

And he revealed that filming could sometimes bore him: “A day, we make between twenty and twenty-five objects behind the counter. When the viewer watches the show there is a movement, there is a dynamic, because he goes from one room to another. But behind the counter all day, I’m bored. »



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