The LIQ cooperative is proud to welcome Richard Prieur to its team — Revue Les libraires

The LIQ cooperative is proud to welcome Richard Prieur to its team — Revue Les libraires
The LIQ cooperative is proud to welcome Richard Prieur to its team — Revue Les libraires

The board of directors of the cooperative of Librairies independents du Québec (LIQ) is pleased to announce the appointment of Richard Prieur as business and government relations advisor.

Richard Prieur was general director of the National Association of Book Publishers (ANEL) from 2010 to 2020. A seasoned communications professional in the field of culture and sport, he graduated in literature from the University of Quebec in Montreal and he worked in a bookstore.

“Our network of bookstores is at a pivotal moment in its history,” declares Chantal Michel, president of the LIQ board of directors. “Defending the interests of our members is a priority for us; it is a natural extension of the commercial role of the cooperative, whose relative weight in our industry has evolved considerably over the last four years. Adding Richard’s talents and experience represents further proof of the board’s level of commitment to the collective success of its members. »

As the bookstore sector faces constantly changing market conditions, LIQ calls on the expertise of Richard Prieur to support the cooperative team. The board renews its full confidence in its general director, Jean-Benoît Dumais, who will continue to work tirelessly on the growth of the organization by piloting numerous digital and marketing projects, as he has done since 2018.

“It is a great pride for me to be able to once again put my experience to good use for culture, this time at the service of independent bookstores,” says Richard Prieur. “Books have always been my best traveling companions, and I am excited at the prospect of helping to protect the vital forces of a network essential to the development of our literature throughout the territory and of collaborating with such a dynamic team than that of LIQ. »

The LIQ sees this strategic recruitment as an opportunity to strengthen the resilience of the network of independent bookstores in the face of large chains and web giants. This initiative is part of the cooperative’s mission, which is to preserve and highlight the specificity of independent bookstores by supporting them in the book trade through access to cutting-edge technology, specialized services and sharing. between members.

About the cooperative of Independent Bookstores of Quebec
The cooperative of Independent Bookstores of Quebec brings together, under the banner Les libraires, more than 100 independent bookstores from Quebec, the Maritimes and Ontario. Its members have the book and the reader at heart as well as the dynamism of the literary world. Member bookstores are brought together on the transactional site which offers a choice of more than 1,700,000 paper, audio and digital books, including 235,000 titles in French and English, in stock at the network’s booksellers.



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