Summary – An overview of overtime in production, visual effects and 5G

[GESTION] The Art of Planning: When Overtime Becomes the Norm

Does overtime really benefit productivity?

In the audiovisual industry, overtime often becomes a norm, an issue that is still far too normalized, according to Virginie Lavalléeproducer, trainer and ambassador at The Happy Producers.

So, the question arises: what strategy should we employ so that the exceptional does not become a norm? Although strategic planning of production schedules can be an essential tool in this regard, it is often described as “unloved”, causing additional internal stress.

However, when you implement a production strategy that allows you to meet deadlines, build trust among your customers and promote the well-being of your teams, the production calendar can become a real asset, a powerful tool .

According to Virginie, it is essential to think about a strategy that demonstrates flexibility, agility and adaptability, and which goes well beyond writing start and end dates in an Excel file.

“That’s really one of my goals: to eliminate “overtime”. There is a huge amount of “overtime” in the industry, which is accepted as the status quo. It has become the norm to work overtime, without necessarily being paid. By adopting certain mentalities, by putting certain processes in place, we can avoid this “overtime”.”. – Virginie Lavallée

An article in collaboration with Le Lien Multimédia, written by Félix Poncelet-Marsan, journalist

To discover the challenges in strategic management of production schedules in Quebec, it’s over here !

[ORIENTATION] A journey to the big screen on the international scene

As a guidance counselor, Do you ever get asked about international career possibilities in the creative world of cinema?

For World Audiovisual Heritage Day on October 27, we are highlighting the journey of François LambertVisual Effects Supervisor at Framestore. His adventure-rich journey will certainly inspire those people looking for an enriching experience abroad.

Captivated from a young age by productions such as Jurassic Park and Terminator, François’ dream was obvious: to dive into the heart of a profession in visual effects. After his studies, he began his career in Quebec and continued it in the United States, where he collaborated on some of the largest film productions in the world. Back in Montreal since 2017, François shares his fabulous epic with us.

“Be curious!” Limitless curiosity will allow you to continually learn and evolve brilliantly in your environment.” – François Lambert

To explore the professional career of François Lambert, head over there !

[INNOVATION] Video games and experiential: what do we predict with 5G?

5G is the fifth generation of standards for mobile telephony. It follows 4G by exponentially multiplying the speed of the flow, leading to a download speed ten times higher.

The appearance of 5G technology presents itself as a real disruptive technology which is already opening up prospects in the digital creation industries.

If developments in video games have always been closely linked to generations of mobile networks, the arrival of 5G and its low latency rate is of great interest to this industry, notably promising games much faster than today.

Cloud gaming and mobile games, both designed to be nomadic, will particularly benefit from 5G technology, which will allow you to enjoy the same playing conditions when traveling as those possible at home with a fiber connection.

An article written by Alexia Boyer

Want to dive into the heart of the secrets of 5G? It’s over here !




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