Didier Deschamps’ big announcement about his future

Didier Deschamps’ big announcement about his future
Didier Deschamps’ big announcement about his future

While France disappoints its people at Euro 2024, Didier Deschamps gave a major interview to BILD : “Passion and determination: if you win titles, you will want to win more. We want to become European champions, which unfortunately we did not manage to do in my time. Winning the title is not my motivation. I have the ambition to maintain the French team at the level it is at today: at the top”, did he declare. But not only.

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The most important comes from the following question. Asked about his future, the French coach did not hide his ambition at the head of the Blues: “I have a contract until 2026, that is, after the World Cup in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Football has given me the freedom to choose what I want to do.”. Asked by the German press about a rumor at Bayern, he preferred to joke: “I will never be Bayern coach because I don’t understand German.”

Pub. THE 26/06/2024 08:54
Update 26/06/2024 16:47



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