Tour de France: the new 5km and 3 second rule inaugurated this Monday for the safety of the riders

Tour de France: the new 5km and 3 second rule inaugurated this Monday for the safety of the riders
Tour de France: the new 5km and 3 second rule inaugurated this Monday for the safety of the riders

The Tour de France organizers are trying to reduce the risk of falls. Since 2005, a “3km” rule has been in force to prevent group movements and collective falls. This allows riders who are aiming for the general classification and are not involved in the sprint to let the sprinting teams work in these last three kilometers and slide to the back of the peloton. In the event of a fall and mechanical problem in this sector of the race, they were then classified in the same time as the peloton. However, they had to avoid a break.

But despite this rule, there were still many falls during the last editions of the Grande Boucle. The rule has therefore evolved. This year, it has been extended to 4 kilometers for stages 5, 6 and 10, and to 5 kilometers for stages 3, 12, 13. This will therefore be the case at the finish this Monday.

In addition to this decision, a 3-second rule has also been established. This allows riders to fall slightly behind in the final hectometres. If they arrive less than three seconds after the peloton, they will then be classified in the same time as it, and will not pay the consequences in the general classification. Again, the objective is to reduce the peloton, and limit racing movements to avoid falls. This 3rd stage will give a first indication of the usefulness of these reforms.



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