A former Mastiff packs his bags for Qatar!

Published on 06/25/2024 at 12:26 p.m.
2 minutes of reading

Jonathan Ikoné will play for Al-Duhail next season. He will join his former coach at Les Dogues: Christophe Galtier. A real disappointment for a player who could have become an important element of European football.

© LOSC official website

Bondy, in Seine Saint-Denis has produced some French football talents. Among them we can cite, of course, Kylian Mbappe, William Saliba, Randal Kolo Muani or Jonathan Ikone. The latter has experienced a complicated football trajectory in recent years. However, it started well. Spotted at 12 by Paris Saint-Germain, Jonathan Ikoné will be trained within the Capital club. The French striker will go through all the categories (U17, U19) and will even end up playing a few minutes in the professional squad. He will be loaned several times to Montpellier before finally being transferred to LOSC, in 2018. It is within the Dogues that he will truly “break through”. Good performances which will allow him to play under the colors of the French team (4 matches, 1 goal). In the summer of 2022, he will finally transfer to Fiorentina, and will leave the Northern club with which he spent almost 4 years.

A sad career pursuit

Often considered a hope of French football, Jonathan Ikoné has lost his way in recent years and is struggling to regain the level he had in his “prime”. This is evidenced by his average season at Fio. Sidelined at the start of the season due to a hip injury, the native of Bondy still played half of the Serie A matches with his club. A 2023-2024 financial year during which Ikoné was little decisive (5 goals and 3 assists in 43 TCC matches).

According to information from the Italian journalist, https://twitter.com/DiMarzio/status/1805330567258345740the former Mastiff will leave the Viola to join Al-Duhail, in Qatar. This club will have a special dimension for him since he will join his former coach in Lille, Christophe Galtier. A sad journey for someone who was one of the biggest talents in Ligue 1.



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