The story between the GSHC and Sébastien Beaulieu ends

The story between the GSHC and Sébastien Beaulieu ends
The story between the GSHC and Sébastien Beaulieu ends

All good things have an end. After 19 seasons of fruitful collaboration, the Genève-Servette Hockey Club and Sébastien Beaulieu are parting ways. The goalkeeper coach gives way to his foal: Mathieu Fernandes. After so many years of devotion and passion, Sébastien Beaulieu was a key to the success of the GSHC. He is forever part of the Garnet family.

Sébastien Beaulieu will no longer be the goalkeeper coach at Genève-Servette this season. After 19 seasons of collaboration, the time has come to turn the page and leave our place. It is Mathieu Fernandes, his colt, the first goalkeeper he trained when the Quebecer arrived in Geneva, who will replace him. Sébastien Beaulieu will remain close to the organization since he will take care of the development of the young goalkeepers at the academy (AGFH) and those in the rest of the canton.

The love story between Genève-Servette and Sébastien Beaulieu began in 2006, three years after the Quebecer set down his bags at the end of the Lake. Over the years, his work and results have made him the most popular goalkeeping coach in the country. It was he who prepared and trained the goalkeepers who marked the recent history of the GSHC. Whether it is Gianluca Mona, Benjamin Conz, Tobias Stephan, Robert Mayer, Gauthier Descloux, Stéphane Charlin, Antoine Keller etc., all have been able to benefit from the professionalism of Sébastien Beaulieu to achieve success. With the first team, the goalkeeper coach experienced four championship finals (2008, 2010, 2021 and 2023) and therefore the title of Swiss champion won in 2023. He was also there when the Eagles won their two Cups Spengler (2013 and 2014) and the title of European champion in 2024.

To replace him, the Grenat have appointed Mathieu Fernandes, 30 years old. The young goalkeeper coach was Sébastien Beaulieu’s assistant in recent seasons. For the record, Mathieu was the first goalkeeper that Sébastien trained when he arrived in Geneva in 2003. The Quebecer then took the young coach under his wing to teach him the ropes of being a goalkeeper coach. The fact that Mathieu Fernandes is taking over from Sébastien Beaulieu is a bit of a logical next step. The circle is complete.

The Genève-Servette Hockey Club thanks Sébastien Beaulieu for everything he has brought to the Club. His professionalism and passion have accompanied the Eagles throughout the last 19 seasons and the young people of the AGFH and the Canton of Geneva now have the chance to benefit from such know-how. Thanks for everything Seb.



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