Football: ruined, this former PSG player becomes an Uber driver to support himself

Football: ruined, this former PSG player becomes an Uber driver to support himself
Football: ruined, this former PSG player becomes an Uber driver to support himself

the essential
The 50-year-old former Portuguese player failed to convert to football. He is now an Uber driver and trying to get by.

He was a hope for Portugal in the 90s. Former defensive midfielder Daniel Kenedy, who ended his career in 2012, is now 50 years old. Ruined because of money problems and an addiction to games and sports betting, he is forced to retrain. Often in trouble, the former teammate of Jimmy Algerino and Christophe Revault found a new job on June 6.

“My first day. Today I will start my first day at Uber and I hope it will be a very happy day for me” he revealed on his social networks. After his sporting career, Kenedy had lost all his money in casinos. According to Correio da Manha, he has more than 195,000 euros in debt. The Portuguese dreamed of retrain in the world of football But life decided otherwise.

He participated in a reality TV show in 2022

Daniel Kenedy was a very good player in the 90s. After four years at Benfica Lisbon, the promising international defensive midfielder signed in 1996 for Paris Saint-Germain. There will only be one season left with 39 matches on the clock. He then traveled a lot between Spain, Greece and Cyprus.

In 2022, the former PSG player tried to relaunch himself by participating in the reality TV show Big Brother Famosos. After a brief return to the light in Portugal, he plunged back into anonymity and financial woes. He is now an Uber driver, far from the football fields.



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