School opens two weeks late, has no gym, cafeteria or playground

A brand new school in Lanaudière is surrounded by “garnotte” and has neither a gymnasium nor a playground due to construction delays, even though its return to school has been pushed back by two weeks.

“It’s a real building site,” says Romanda Brown, one of the mothers who is a little desperate to see the state of their child’s school.

“It’s a haystack. It reminds me of COVID… but without the COVID,” she quips.

Heritage Elementary School in Saint-Lin–Laurentides in Lanaudière is brand new. In fact, it is so new that its construction is not finished.

The building is surrounded by mounds of earth and mechanical shovels. All around, construction workers are busy. A security guard watches over the grounds, observed The Journal.

Photo Martin Alarie

“The path we take to drop off our children involves walking on gravel,” notes Jennifer Tremblay.

The Journal had gathered several parents from the school to talk about a school bus ride that turned chaotic last week.

Several took the opportunity to point out that the school’s cafeteria, library and gymnasium are not ready. The fountains are condemned, some parents noted.

Fountains condemned inside the school.

Courtesy (anonymous source)


For now, the bus stop is being used as a playground.

“We don’t have any play modules,” sighs Maddison Poitras, 6.

For example, children were unable to have outdoor recess one day last week due to asphalt work, explains Maxeen Jolin of the communications department of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier school board by email.

The building was supposed to be handed over by the general contractor on July 19, but possession was not taken until the end of August. The reason for the delay was not specified.

Back to school mid-September

Due to this delay, Heritage youth did not return to school at the same time as others. The start of the school year was initially pushed back to September 9.

An inspection by the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) was carried out on September 6. The required safety measures led to the postponement of the start of the school year to September 16, explains Mme Nice.

The playground should be completed the week of September 30 and the rest of the work by mid-October.

“We recognize that this situation is not ideal for students,” she wrote, recalling that all classrooms are functional.

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