Duchein Art Collection Sale: Discover Christie’s Best Sales

the essential
As part of the auction of the Duchein collection at Christie’s – , the Ingres-Bourdelle Museum (MIB) acquired a pastel by the famous sculptor.

This is a sale that has exceeded all expectations. Which proves the remarkable nature of the works acquired by Paul and Jacqueline Duchein, collectors from Montauban. On Tuesday, September 24, the world leader in the art and luxury market Christie’s organized the auction of 160 pieces entrusted to its care by the children of the now deceased pharmacist couple.

These paintings and other sculptures were valued at between 4.3 and 6.5 million euros. In the end, the auctioneers sold 149 works, or 96% of the lots, for a total of 7.5 million euros.

Victor Brauner’s spermostesic ballerina.

Thus, 58% of the objects sold were above the highest estimate, which clearly shows the enthusiasm of buyers for this plethora of collections that largely paid homage to the surrealism that the Ducheins were so fond of. An example that speaks volumes: the Spermostesic Baladin by Victor Brauner soared to €327,600 while the highest estimate was set at €150,000! Moreover, the collage box The Mirror by André Bretonby Paul Duchein, almost doubled with a sale price of €1,134. But contemporary art did not disappoint.

The Mirror of André Breton, by Paul Duchein.

While female artists have garnered unanimous approval, it is the work of Marie Toyen that has taken the auction room by storm. Valued at between €400,000 and €600,000, In the water of sleep was sold for 1.32 million euros when Ebb and flow of the night kept its promises with a sale price of 1.189 million euros.

In the water of sleep by Marie Toyen.
In the water of sleep by Marie Toyen.

The people of Montauban will no doubt be delighted to learn that Émile-Antoine Bourdelle’s pastel Cat and dogdated 1896, will soon be back home since the MIB has pre-empted this moving painting. A little gem that is all the rarer since, as everyone knows, Bourdelle is known above all for his sculptures. Sale price at the museum: €2,520 for an estimate set between €2,000 and €3,000.

Two sisters from Bourdelle.
Two sisters from Bourdelle.

Finally, the statue Two sistersalso by Bourdelle, sold for the sum of €10,080, but for reasons of confidentiality, Christie’s refused to say more about the identity of the buyer.



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