“Florian Grill will have to take responsibility”, Medhi Narjissi’s father attacks the FFR after his son’s disappearance

“Florian Grill will have to take responsibility”, Medhi Narjissi’s father attacks the FFR after his son’s disappearance
“Florian Grill will have to take responsibility”, Medhi Narjissi’s father attacks the FFR after his son’s disappearance

Jalil Narjissi, father of Medhi Narjissi, who disappeared at sea during a recovery session of the French U18 team, points the finger at the responsibilities of the French Rugby Federation (FFR) and deplores the lack of support from its president, Florian Grill.

Jalil Narjissi is a torn father still searching for answers. His son, Medhi, tragically disappeared on August 7, swept away by the waves and powerful currents of Dias Beach in South Africa, during a recovery session organized by the staff of the French U18 rugby team. In an interview with L’Équipe, the former hooker strongly attacks the members of the staff but also the Federation for its lack of support in the days following the disappearance.

“A 17-year-old boy almost left himself to try to save Medhi”

“I want the truth to be known, for justice to do its job, for those responsible to be judged and punished,” he says. “They can no longer supervise. Some must go behind bars. We have received no message from them. Nothing.”

He is furious about the decision to schedule this session in a place known for its danger, as indicated by imposing signs, and deplores the inaction of the staff members to come to the aid of his son. His partner Oscar Boutez threw himself into the water to rescue him but Medhi Narjissi who had managed to hang on finally let go, according to the provisional report of the internal investigation conducted by the FFR.

“This is a 17-year-old child who put his life in danger and who almost left himself to try to save Medhi. It took him more than twenty minutes to get out of the water and no one came to his aid. How could this have happened? Why did the staff put our children there if they were afraid to go and rescue Medhi? They did not react in the slightest, no human chain and no action from the physical trainer (Robin Ladauge), who was nevertheless equipped with a neoprene suit and a buoy.”

“The Federation did nothing at all”

Jalil Narjissi himself went to this beach to try to understand the circumstances of this accident, noting “catastrophic” conditions with a powerful current making it very difficult for him to get out of the water where he had submerged himself up to his waist. He finally attacks Florian Grill, president of the FFR, who did not accompany him on this trip.

“I repeat, it was up to him to be there with us, to stop his vacation to accompany us. It was a lack of respect towards my son and my family. (…) I would have had a different speech towards the leaders of the Federation if they had put everything in place for the accompaniment, he concludes. Apart from the plane tickets, they did nothing at all. They cannot hide. Florian Grill, like the others, will have to take responsibility.”



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