our response to the RCT (Top 14)

our response to the RCT (Top 14)
our response to the RCT (Top 14)

2. The RCT is therefore “extremely surprised” to be made aware through the press “alleged reasons for a decision which have not been published by the FFR”. In fact, yes, the FFR has published on its website what it calls “the decision-making mechanism” which was accessible to everyone, even to the RCT, and which still is. In the article of September 13, we only repeated the elements of this publication, no more, no less. As for the motivations for the decision of the FFR appeal committee mentioned by the RCT, we do not see what reference is being made to it since we did not say anything about it. On the other hand, we indicated what the first decision of the League’s financial committee was based on. “alleged breach of the General Obligation of Transparency and Cooperation alleged in this article”as the RCT calls it, is therefore neither claimed nor alleged. It appears in an official publication on the FFR website.



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