The 6 warning signs of the disease, according to a neurologist

The 6 warning signs of the disease, according to a neurologist

What behaviors should really raise alarm bells? Here are the first signs of Alzheimer’s disease that don’t lie.

Forgetting important events

Everyone can have a drop in attention linked to age, stress, depression… Being less attentive to information, we integrate it less well. This is what happens most often when we misplace our keys, our glasses… “On the other hand, if your parent no longer remembers important facts that necessarily mobilized his attention, such as the death of a loved one or a major political event, we must suspect a real memory problem,” indicates Professor Bruno Dubois*, neurologist at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital (Paris 13th).

The same question repeated over and over again

If your mother asks you “when are we going on vacation?” five times in a row in the space of an hour, you have reason to be concerned. “Indeed, the question concerns events that are important to her, and you have already answered her several times. This is a sign that she has focused her attention, but has not been able to memorize the information,” analyzes Professor Dubois.

The persistence of distant memory

It is destabilizing for those around them: a person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease can perfectly remember their cousin’s wedding thirty years ago, while they are unable to remember the film they have just watched. In reality, they are no longer able to record new information since the area of ​​the brain that stores…


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