El Mordjene spread, which has gone viral, banned from import into France


CONSUMPTION – Victim of its success, literally. You have surely heard about it in recent months: El Mordjene, this revolutionary spread with the taste of Kinder Bueno from Algeria and produced by the Cebon company. At the beginning of the summer, influencers put it in the spotlight, praising its captivating taste of “roasted hazelnut cream”.

No matter, the French have started rushing to the shelves of stores that sell it, doubling its price. But this will not last because its export is now blocked, announced Friday, September 13 TSA Algeria.

« Containers full of jars of the famous Algerian paste were blocked at the port of Marseille in France “, writes the media which contacted Mustapha Zebdi, the president of the Algerian Association for the Protection of Consumers (Apoce). The latter confirmed that ” The last shipment of El Mordjene paste had not been authorized to be unloaded in Europe ».

Protecting European products from the El Mordjene wave?

The reason for this blockage? Mustapha Zebdi evokes “Article 20, third paragraph, of Regulation No 2202/2292 of the European Union” which notably dictates the rules for the entry into the EU of products containing milk. However, Algeria is not one of the countries that are authorized to bring them into the territory of the European Union. This is because it does not apply “a control plan for pharmacologically active substances, pesticides and contaminants approved by the Commission”particularly concerning dairy products.

But for the president of Apoce, the real reason for this halt would be a little more prosaic: to protect European products in competition with El Mordjene, notably Nutella.

“The product was coming in and traveling…and when it became a hazard to their beloved product, they did all the testing and came out with all the standards!”he lamented to TSA Algeria. “We have obtained the documents notifying the import ban” El Mordjene paste, he added before promising to ” make a firm decision ».

For those who missed out on a taste or became addicted to it, the search for the precious jars may now be even more difficult.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

Botulism bacteria were present in jars consumed in Indre-et-Loire

For children’s meals, these nutritional recommendations encourage reducing pastries or fruit juices


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