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“Humiliate yourself to succeed”, his latest project very violently criticized

“Humiliate yourself to succeed”, his latest project very violently criticized

Ahmed Sylla has become, since 2017 and its participation in the Saturday Night Showone of the comedians most appreciated by the French public. Now, viewers regularly find him in new films, such as Here and theres this year. And his shows have been a success. However, one of his latest projects has sparked many reviews.

On Saturday, September 14, Ahmed Sylla published one of his very latest sketches on InstagramIn it, the young comedian plays two characters: a man et a woman who find themselves in a restaurant. However, the actor’s transformation into a woman greatly surprised Internet users. While some of them found the idea brilliant, others were shocked. Since then, Ahmed Sylla has been the subject of violent criticism on social networks.

Ahmed Sylla’s transformation into a woman creates a violent debate on social networks

Ahmed Sylla’s metamorphosis into a woman did not go unnoticed on Saturday, September 14. On Instagram, the comments from the comedian’s followers were rather benevolent. Some Internet users pointed out that the actor is talented enough to play a female or male character.

However, Ahmed Sylla did not escape criticism from other Internet users for whom the comedian should not have dressed up as a woman. On Instagram, followers pointed out a “lack of dignity”The debate around this sketch was even more virulent on Twitter, where the comments were also much more violent. Users did not hesitate to judge that the actor sought to “Humble yourself to succeed”.

Ahmed Sylla has already dressed up as a woman for his sketches

Comments such as “This guy is such a lapdog of French TV”, “Ahmed Sylla is a girl now?”, “Has anyone ever found this guy funny?” or “The humiliation ritual is still not over…” have flooded onto social media. In short, the fact that the comedian embodies a woman was not well received by everyone.

This is not the first time that Ahmed Sylla turns into a woman for a sketch. In 2017, during the Saturday Night Showthe young actor, who was then 26 years old, had already disguised himself. He had taken on a feminine appearance to imitate Karine Le Marchand. At the time, his performance had earned him much applause, so much so that Ahmed Sylla had managed to overshadow other comedians as Gad Elmaleh.

In 2017, Ahmed Sylla’s imitation of Karine Le Marchand was widely praised. Which allowed the comedian to launch your career. A little over seven years later, however, part of the public does not seem as receptive to this form of humorIn the meantime, the comedian is not about to be forgotten with this new parody.


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