L’Insurance and social security supervisory authority (Acaps) assigned to the cabinet Forvis Mazars the carrying out of a strategic study aimed at transforming the sector of mutuality au Morocco.
This decision follows a call for tenders launched last November, in which several prestigious firms participated. The study commissioned by Acaps takes place in a context where Morocco continues its transition towards a universal medical coverage. Moreover, in recent years, the mutual insurance sector has been marked by profound changes following the establishment of the new legislative and regulatory system relating to basic medical coverage, the evolution of consumption patterns, the raising the expectations of members and their requirements in terms of quality of service. The sector consists of 28 mutual societies operating in the sector of health : 11 in the public sector7 in the semi-public sector5 in the private sector5 mutual societies in the liberal sector and 1 union made up of 8 mutual societies (National fund of social security organizations-CNOPS).
At the end of 2022, the sector had 1,426,610 members, 3,232,309 beneficiaries with more than 2.58 billion DH in contributions, 2.10 billion DH in benefits and 7.39 billion DH in reserve funds. Today, it must meet significant challenges of governance, financial sustainability and adaptation to the growing expectations of members.
Forvis Mazarswith its recognized experience in similar missions, has the task of developing a clear vision and recommendations regarding the future of this sector in relation to the new environment of universal medical coverage which is being established and the role that he could star in this cover. The study should thus enlighten public authorities on the strategy to adopt to support the development of this sector and its modernization. It can also inspire mutual societies to implement internal transformation and modernization policies.
Forvis Mazars will carry out this study in three main phases
The first concerns the diagnosis and inventory. This component includes a comprehensive assessment of the current legal framework, the scope of action of mutualand their governance. Emphasis will be placed on financial and technical strengths and weaknesses, the quality of services, as well as control mechanisms. Note that this initiative also provides for an opportunity study relating to the tasks managed by mutual societies on behalf of CNOPS. This study should rule on the advisability of maintaining this management on behalf of mutual societies or of resorting to another system, given the transfer of management of the health insurance scheme.Compulsory health insurance (AMO) public sector employees and retirees National Social Security Fund (CNSS).
Furthermore, the second phase of the strategic study on the mutuality sector focuses on international experiences. By comparing the Moroccan mutuality sector with similar countries and other more economically advanced ones, this phase must establish an assessment of compliance with international practices in terms of governance, management, risk coverage, and social actions. .
Finally, the third phase concerns development scenarios and recommendations, in particular an opinion on the provisions of the draft mutuality code and recommendations regarding the mode of organization of the sector and its integration within the framework of the system of medical coverage. Scenarios will be developed to strengthen the additional medical coveragedefine the scope of action of mutual societies and improve the basket of services. The study will also analyze the management of social units by mutual societies, the future roles to be assigned to the sector, as well as a draft program contract between the State and mutual societies to ensure the sustainability and governance of the sector.
The study will result in a strategic framing project for the mutuality sector, with development scenarios aligned with the proposed directions. The firm in charge must also design a detailed roadmap for the implementation of the recommendations, including a structured approach and a precise timetable to ensure follow-up of the recommended actions.
This study, expected to last 270 days, is crucial to inform the strategic choices of public authorities and sector players. Its conclusions should serve as a roadmap to modernize the institutional framework, respond to current challenges and strengthen the place of mutual societies in the overall social coverage system. The attribution of this mission to Forvis Mazars marks a key step in the search for sustainable and innovative solutions for the mutuality sector in Morocco.
As a reminder, in order to support the mutuality sector in its modernization and development and with a view to enabling it to adapt to various changes, in 2002 the public authorities began a reflection on the reform of mutuality. This work was materialized by the development of a draft code of mutuality with the particular objective of redefining the purpose of mutual societies, clarifying their scope of intervention for risk coverage and establishing governance rules. , especially after the establishment of the AMO in 2005, which modified their positioning.