“Admitted fault, not half forgiven”, reacts LR deputy Julien Dive

During his greetings to the French, the President of the Republic recognized that the dissolution of last June had brought more instability than solutions.

Published on 01/01/2025 09:32

Updated on 01/01/2025 11:53

Reading time: 2min

Julien Dive, Les Républicains deputy for Aisne, in 2017. (THOMAS SAMSON / AFP)
Julien Dive, Les Républicains de l’Aisne MP, in 2017. (THOMAS SAMSON / AFP)

It was time, but the page is not turned, fault admitted, not half forgiven“, reacts Wednesday January 1, 2025 on franceinfo Julien Dive, deputy of Les Républicains de l'Aisne in reaction to the wishes of Emmanuel Macron.

The head of state indeed affirmed that the dissolution had brought “more divisions in the Assembly than solutions for the French“. For Julien Dive, the president”is largely responsible“of the”unstable situation” of the country.

It's one thing to admit it, now the question is what is the destiny of 2025?

Julien Dive, LR deputy


While Emmanuel Macron announced that in 2025 he would ask the French to “slice” of the “determining topics“, via des”referendums or citizen conventions“, the deputy Les Républicains said “not to believe“to the hypothesis of a referendum.”He has been talking about a referendum for eight years, there has been no referendum for eight years“, specifies Julien Dive, with particular reference to the yellow vest crisis where the question of a referendum was raised.

However, he considers that it is “a good lever” to “appeal to the people to decide, to make a decision, but that everything depends on the question that is asked”. Julien Dive says he is in favor of a referendum on a possible tax reform or “the migration question“.

On the other hand, questioned about the method of the citizens' convention already used by the Head of State, Julien Dive believes “that it didn't do much“reminding that”the conclusions had not been taken up“. If the president “wishes to resort to referendums on relevant subjects, let him do so, let us finally have a strong act through these referendums and let the people decide. But let's not invent gadgets which unfortunately gave more disappointment than concrete“, summarizes the deputy LR, while recalling that Parliament “must also take its share of responsibility and move forward for the remaining months of this five-year term“.



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