This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
Heba Press. Rabat
Following the seizure of spoiled meat and fish by the local authorities of Casablanca and Dakhla, Rabia Bouja, member of the Justice and Development parliamentary group, called on the government to reveal the measures it will take to fight against the kings of food fraud.
Boja said in a written question addressed to the Minister of the Interior that these people are harming the health and safety of citizens, calling on the minister to limit the increase in this destructive phenomenon for public health and the national economy and which harms the national economy. image of our country in front of foreign tourists.
The same parliamentarian explained that some national newspapers and social networking sites recently circulated the news that the competent local authorities in the city of Casablanca had seized 15 tons of dead chickens intended for national consumption in restaurants and to finance holidays.
She also mentioned the incident in the city of Dakhla, where local authorities seized 11 tonnes of expensive fish in a cold store, “which have no identification document or date of capture”. some quantities of fish had outlived their shelf life before being frozen and were destined for domestic consumption via the “black” market.