60 Million consumers warn about these 3 fruits, they are the most harmful to your health

60 Million consumers warn about these 3 fruits, they are the most harmful to your health
60 Million consumers warn about these 3 fruits, they are the most harmful to your health
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Fruits are generally seen as essential allies for health. Everyone knows the famous phrase which recommends eat “five fruits and vegetables a day”. On the other hand, you have to choose them carefully, reminds 60 Million consumers.

The most contaminated fruits

Fruits and vegetables should occupy an important place on our plates. However, a recent study carried out by 60 Million consumers reveals that these products can sometimes be very harmful to health.

Indeed, certain fruits, despite their appearance appetizing and their nutritional benefitsmay present health risks due to their high pesticide content. 60 Million Consumers has also decided to analyze the unsuspected dangers of certain fruits.

The study does not directly criticize the fruits themselves. On the other hand, it warns about the chemical residues found there, in particular pesticides. Public health campaigns, such as those of the National Nutrition and Health Plan (PNNS), have for years insisted on the importance of eating fruit to prevent diseases and balance your diet.

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On the other hand, it does not always highlight the issue of chemical treatments used in conventional agriculture. According to 60 Million consumers, strawberries, cherries and grapes are among the fruits most contaminated by pesticides.

This observation is consistent with that of the Générations Futures organization. This organization already estimated that three quarters of fruits from conventional agriculture contain chemical residues.

Pesticides used to protect these crops against pests and diseases can accumulate on the fruit. And this, even after washing. That represents a real danger. Especially for children and sensitive people.

Advice from 60 Million consumers

Despite these revelations, know that you should not ban the affected fruits from your diet. In fact, experts from 60 Million Consumers recommend favoring organic products. The latter contain significantly fewer pesticides.

When this is not possible, the fruit must be washed thoroughly. They must also be peeled to considerably reduce the quantity of chemical residues. In addition, know that you must vary the types of fruit consumed.

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This makes it possible to limit repeated exposure to the same substances, reminds 60 Million consumers. This dietary diversity, combined with significant vigilance when purchasing, provides access to healthier and safer food.

The study of 60 Million consumers also highlights the importance of being informed about the products consumed at home. Strawberries, cherries and grapes make often unanimous among young and old alike.

Despite their richness in nutrients, these fruits can still present risks if their origin and the conditions of their cultivation are not taken into account. One thing is certain, you have to be careful to choose them carefully to preserve their health benefits.

Source: 60 Million Consumers



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