In Martinique and Guadeloupe, RN candidates qualify for the second round in three out of eight constituencies

In Martinique and Guadeloupe, RN candidates qualify for the second round in three out of eight constituencies
In Martinique and Guadeloupe, RN candidates qualify for the second round in three out of eight constituencies

In Marseille, “having two New Popular Front candidates saddens me”

At Chave School, office no. 514, the ballots for the 5e Bouches-du-Rhône constituency are spread out on the entry table. In this constituency in the center of Marseille (4e et 5e districts), two bear the mention of New Popular Front (NFP). That of the outgoing Hendrik Davi, excluded by France Insoumise, is redder than that of Allan Popelard, officially invested by Jean-Luc Melenchon’s party. “A voter just asked me who was the right candidate… I told him to go out and find out outside. We must remain neutral,” testifies the president of the office Pierre Huguet, deputy mayor Printemps Marseille.

Thérèse Bourgeois, 66 years old, assessor of an office in the 5th district of Marseille, June 30, 2024. FRANCE KEYSER / MYOP FOR “THE WORLD”

Assessor for the outgoing MP, Thérèse Bourgeois, 66 years old, member of the NPA, deplores the situation. “It saddens me. As if we had the luxury of doing that with the RN on the threshold of power,” breathes this teacher who, “because of his little retirement”, continues to have a professional activity. Via activist networks, she obtained a power of attorney. “I know that the person wants to vote for the New Popular Front, but I don’t know which one. I have to call him, but it’s still early.”.

“I told my wife I was going to choose randomly,” smiles as he leaves the office Serge Bokola, 55, an economics professor at a Catholic college, for whom “The radical left is now the only alternative”. “Both candidates are dear to me. It’s a shame it’s come to this. » Pierre, 25 years old, who does not wish to give his name, member of La France insoumise, came to vote for Allan Popelard, whose campaign he participated in. “Friends asked me who to vote for and if it was normal that there were two Popular Front candidates,” he also regrets.

Serge Bokola, 55, in his polling station in the 5th constituency of Marseille, June 30, 2024. FRANCE KEYSER / MYOP FOR “LE MONDE”

In this very left-wing constituency, no one dares to think that this dual candidacy could annihilate the NFP’s chances. “What we can be afraid of is a triangular, still recognizes Pierre. But then I hope that whoever comes second will withdraw. »

Gilles Rof (Marseille, correspondent)



NEXT Belgium, legislative elections, mask… what to remember from Kylian Mbappé’s press conference before the round of 16