Ghosn case: the courts will rule on Rachida Dati’s request for a statute of limitations this Tuesday

Ghosn case: the courts will rule on Rachida Dati’s request for a statute of limitations this Tuesday
Ghosn case: the courts will rule on Rachida Dati’s request for a statute of limitations this Tuesday

Rachida Dati in court? The Paris Court of Appeal will rule on Tuesday on the request of the Minister of Culture Rachida Dati. She is demanding an end to the prosecutions that have been targeting her since 2021 in the Paris part of the Carlos Ghosn affair.

“We are waiting with serenity for the statute of limitations to be established. It is a legal fact,” Olivier Baratelli and Olivier Pardo, two of the minister’s lawyers, told AFP. “Everyone knew about Rachida Dati’s intervention as Renault-Nissan’s lawyer in 2009 and 2010. Everything is perfectly clear,” they assured.

Accused of corruption and passive influence peddling

The former Minister of Justice and former mayor of the 7th arrondissement of Paris has been under investigation since July 2021 for corruption and passive influence peddling by a person holding a public elective mandate. She is suspected of having received 900,000 euros from RNBV, a subsidiary of the Renault-Nissan alliance, without receiving any real work in return, between 2010 and 2012. At the time, she was a lawyer and a Member of the European Parliament (2009-2019).

The investigations also sought to determine whether this fee agreement could have been used to mask lobbying activity in the European Parliament, which is prohibited for all elected officials. In this case, Carlos Ghosn, who lives in Lebanon, has been the subject of an international arrest warrant since April 2023.

The former automobile magnate and the Minister of Culture deny any irregularity. Rachida Dati’s defense had already raised the statute of limitations of the facts in 2021 before the investigating chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal, in vain.

Her lawyers have contacted her again after the investigating judges in charge of this case, opened in 2019, refused to examine another request to establish the limitation period. According to them, it was based on “new, fundamental elements” submitted to the procedure. The investigating magistrates had rejected this request on the grounds that the deadline, six months from the indictment in matters of limitation, had expired.

Risk of trial before the criminal court

Before deciding on the admissibility of this new application, the investigating chamber must first decide whether or not to refer to the Constitutional Council a priority question of constitutionality (QPC) on this limitation period. Either the judges refer the QPC, and therefore postpone their decision on the limitation period, or they dismiss it and consider the admissibility of the minister’s request. If the limitation period is still dismissed, Rachida Dati risks a trial before the criminal court.

Investigations into this case have been completed since September 2023 and the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF) should issue its final indictment soon. Then the investigating judges will order a trial or not. But if the Minister of Culture wins her case, the proceedings against her will be dropped.

According to two sources close to the case, the attorney general had requested during the hearing on May 7th that the statute of limitations be rejected. As a civil party in this case, Renault and its lawyers did not wish to comment.



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