Legislative. RN, New Popular Front, Together: compare the five flagship measures of the programs

Legislative. RN, New Popular Front, Together: compare the five flagship measures of the programs
Legislative. RN, New Popular Front, Together: compare the five flagship measures of the programs


Raphael Lardeur

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 6:38 p.m.

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Twelve, twelve and twenty-four. These are the number of pages in the programs of the National Rally, Ensemble and the New Popular Front for the early legislative elections of 2024. Short texts, like the lightning campaign carried out in great haste by the 4,011 candidates throughout the territory, just after the dissolution of the National Assembly. It was June 9, in the evening.

21 days later, on June 30 then July 7 for the second round, voters will have to designate the 577 deputies who will vote on laws in the new legislature. So who should we choose?

-.fr has listed the five key measures of the programs of the three major political parties in the running: National gathering, Ensemble et New Popular Front.

Five major proposals from the National Rally

The National Rally, whose alliance with Éric Ciotti’s Les Républicains was widely criticized, was the last party to present its roadmap. On Monday June 24, 2024, during a press conference lasting an hour and a half, Jordan Bardella unveiled a dense program, the full version of which can be found here. Here are the main steps for anyone who wants to become the “Prime Minister of all French people.”

Jordan Bardella unveiled, Monday June 24, 2024, the program of the National Rally for the early legislative elections. (©AFP GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT)
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  • Retirement at 60 for those who started working before 20

French people who started working before the age of 20, and who have forty years of service, will be able to retire at age 60, “as early as the fall,” promises Jordan Bardella. The RN also wants to repeal the reform passed in 2023. And put in place a progressive timetable to return to the legal retirement age at 62, with a number of 42 years of contributions.

  • Encourage wage increases

The National Rally proposes to exempt salary increases from employer contributions up to 10% and up to three times the minimum wage (1,398.69 euros net for 35 hours), for three to five years.

  • Ban cell phones in schools

This measure, which also concerns high schools, is part of the “big bang of authority” desired by Jordan Bardella. Ban mobile phones in all establishments therefore, but also continue experimentation with uniforms, in primary and secondary schools.

  • A European and French “double border”

As part of the European program, the National Rally wants to put in place a two-level border. On a European scale and in France, with “reinforced controls”.

Jordan Bardella promises to “facilitate the expulsion of foreign Islamist delinquents and criminals”. To allow the implementation of this measure, he wants to lift administrative constraints. The latter also wants to reinstate the offence of residence, abolished in 2012, reintroduced by an article of the recent “immigration” law, which had finally been censored by the Constitutional Council.

Five major proposals from the New Popular Front

It was June 13, 2024, the main left-wing parties (LFI, PS, EELV, PCF and later part of the NPA), united behind the banner “New Popular Front”. A day later, the new alliance unveiled the main measures of a jointly written program, which can be found in full here. Here are the five main proposals of this bloc “completely broken” with the policy led by Emmanuel Macron, they said at the time.

The main leaders of the New Popular Front at the press conference to unveil the program. (©EPA/MAXPPP)
  • Repeal of the pension reform

Repeal of the “unfair” pension reform wanted by the government. “We will do it within 15 days after our victory” at the end of the legislative elections, assures Marine Tondelier, the national secretary of EELV. The New Popular Front plans a legal retirement age of 60.

  • Revaluation of the minimum wage to 1600 euros net

An increase in the minimum inter-professional growth wage (Smic) to the tune of 2,000 euros gross and 1,600 euros net” per month. As a reminder, the minimum wage was automatically increased on January 1, 2024, to the tune of 1,766.92 euros gross per month, or 1,398.69 euros net.

  • Reinstatement of the wealth tax

A tax “reinforced with a climate component”. Thus, Olivier Faure announces that the New Popular Front wants to “tax superprofits”. “We call on those who can to come to the aid of their country, of those who have less”, he implored.

  • 100% free school

Implementation of “true free education” from the start of the 2024-2025 school year. A “symbolic, but concrete” measure, recognizes Marine Tondelier (EELV), which will include covering meals in the canteen, extracurricular costs or those linked to transport.

  • Recognize the State of Palestine

The alliance for the left wants to act for the release of hostages held since the Hamas terrorist massacres as well as that of “Palestinian political prisoners”. It also wants to “immediately recognize the State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel”.

Five major proposals from Ensemble

Struggling in the polls, it took six days, until June 15, 2024, for Ensemble to present an outline of a program after the dissolution of the National Assembly. It was on the 8 p.m. news of France 2with a series of measures, the full program of which can be found here. “Make me Prime Minister again,” Gabriel Attal hammered home on the set of France 2a few days after Emmanuel Macron’s real political poker move.

Gabriel Attal, the Prime Minister, is leading the legislative campaign for Together. (©Cyril Bottollier-Lemallaz / -.fr)

In the event of victory in the legislative elections, the new presidential majority (if there is one) wants pensions to be indexed to inflation. The system is already provided for by law, but is not obligatory. There is also talk of “upgrading” farmers’ pensions, by modifying the calculation methods: “This will represent a gain of 100 euros per month for half of future agricultural retirees,” estimates the coalition.

In its program, the Ensemble party wants to “raise the ceiling of the value sharing bonus from 3,000 to 10,000 euros”, by making it monthly. This bonus is a mechanism encouraging employers to pay an additional annual sum to their employees. The majority also wants to increase salaries between the minimum wage (1,766.92 euros gross) and 2,000 euros gross per month, with a reform of social security contributions.

Gabriel Attal has announced that he wants to experiment with a four-day week for employees who cannot telework. When the Prime Minister was Minister of the Budget, he launched experiments in this direction. He therefore wants to extend them more widely.

The majority wants to double the number of trained doctors by 2027 and establish a system guaranteeing a doctor on call for everyone within thirty minutes of home, from summer 2024.

The President of the Republic declared himself in favor of the establishment of a “dose” of proportionality in the legislative elections. For the moment, the idea of ​​revising the constitution has been ruled out. This voting method, which consists of allocating seats to lists of candidates in proportion to the votes they receive, was only used once to elect deputies under the Fifth Republic. It was in 1986.

For the sake of clarity with you, readers of-.frthese are indeed “flagship” measures of the programs of the three main political blocs for the early legislative elections of June and July 2024. These proposals were chosen because they could change your daily life. Other articles, present on our site, summarize all the roadmaps of the different parties.

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